Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Striated Babbler
Binomial Name: Turdoides earlei
The Striated Babbler is a rare resident songbird of Bangladesh. Although it is aresident bird, the bird is not seen everywhere. They are gregarious birds, roaming
together in family groups of 8-12 birds. They forage in flocks in riverside reeds,tall grass forests, small bushes, or on the ground and eat a variety of insects,
snails, or plant material. Calling each other while searching for food or whenfinding food. Nesting season is from March to October, and they build their
nests on the branches of bushes near water. Then everyone in the group
manages domestic life together.

†Wviv mvZfvqjv,
vwM QvZv‡i †Wviv mvZfvqjv evsjv‡‡ki yj©f AvevwmK MvqK cvwL| AvevwmK cvwL n‡jI cvwLwU‡K hÎZÎ †Lv
hvq bv| Giv je× cvwL, GKmv‡_ 8-12wU cvwLi cvwievwiK ‡j Ny‡i †eovq| bx Zx‡ii bjeb, j¤^v Nv‡mi eb, ÿzª †Svc wKsev f~wg‡Z
†b‡g Giv GKmv‡_ SvuK a‡i Lvevi †Lvu‡R
Ges bvbv ai‡Yi †cvKvgvKo, kvgyK ev
Dw™¢¾ Dcvvb Lvq| Lvevi †LvuRvi mgq ev Lvev‡ii mÜvb †c‡j G‡K Aci‡K WvK‡Z _v‡K| gvP© †_‡K A‡±ve‡i evmv evbv‡bvi mgq n‡q Giv cvwbi KvQvKvwQ †Sv‡ci Wv‡j evmv evbvq| ZLb‡ji
mevB wg‡j msmvi mvgjvq|

Birds of the Sundarban I 283

Photo © Foridi Numan

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