Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Birds of the Sundarban I 285

Oriental Skylark, Small Skylark
Binomial Name: Alauda gulgula
The Oriental Skylark is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. They search for food singly,in pairs, or in small isolated groups in the villages, meadows, and river banks of all divisions.
Their diet includes soft roots, round roots, seeds, and insects. These skylarks frequentlyrocket into the sky, fluttering and singing before descending to earth. Their breeding season
is from March to August. At this time, they make their nests by spreading mud on the riverbanks, behind a bunch of grass, or on arable land.

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evmv evbvq|
Birds of the Sundarban I 285


Photo © Emdadul Islam Bitu
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