Purple Sunbird
Binomial Name: Nectarinia asiatica
The Purple Sunbird is a common resident small songbird of Bangladesh. This name is dueto the colour of the male bird. It roams singly or in pairs in deciduous forests, arable land,
gardens, and around human houses in almost all divisions, including the Sundarban. Themain food of the Purple Sunbird is the nectar of the flower. And so it flies to the blossoms
of trees and shrubs in search of food. When it's time to lay eggs, they make a nest bywrapping spider webs in bushes and trees with grass, fish scales, leaves, and small bark.
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evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK †QvU MvqK cvwL †e ̧wb †gŠUz wm| †Q‡j cvwLi i‡Oi Rb ̈B GB bvgKiY| my›
iebmn cÖvq me wefv‡Mi cvZvSiv eb, AvevwRwg, evMvb, gvby ‡li evwoN‡ii Av‡kcv‡k GKv wKsev †Rvovq wePiY K‡i| †e ̧wb †gŠUzwmÕi cÖavb Lvevi dz‡ji gay| Avi ZvB MvQ I ̧j¥jZvi cy®úgyKz‡j D‡o D‡o Lvevi †Luv‡R| wWg †
qvi mgq n‡j †Suvc I Mv‡Q Nvm, gv‡Qi AvuBk, cvZv,
†QvU evK‡j gvKomvi Rvj Rwo‡q evmv evbvq|
Birds of the Sundarban I 291
Photo © Foridi Numan