Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Little Spiderhunter
Binomial Name: Arachnothera
The Little Spiderhunter is a long-beaked honeyeater andspider-eater. The very fickle bird disappears in the blink of an
eye. The Little Spiderhunter is a common resident songbird ofThe bird is commonly found in bamboo forests, banana plantations, denseBangladesh.
vegetation, rural forests, evergreen forests and mangrove forests. They look for food in thethickets of the forest. Honey from flowers, insects and spiders is their favourite food. During
the breeding season of May to August, they lay their eggs under cover of banana leaves or
other large leaves, making nests of grass and leaves.
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(^296) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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