Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Grey Wagtail
Binomial Name: Motacilla cinerea
Despite its vast global distribution, the Gray Wagtail is an uncommon migratory terrestrialbird in Bangladesh. They migrate to tropical regions of Asia and Africa, including
Bangladesh, when temperatures drop in winter in their native Euro-Siberian habitat. Thebird is not seen everywhere in Bangladesh. In winter, most of the divisions are found in
mangrove forests, near rivers or localities. They do not easily climb trees, forage for insectson the ground near water, and usually catch prey by running. During the breeding season
from April to July, they make nests on river banks, big stones or trees and lay eggs.
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(^304) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Mugniur Rahman Moni

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