Forest Wagtail
Binomial Name: Dendronanthus indicus
While other Wagtails generally roam the fields, the Forest Wagtail roams more in forestsand prefers relatively open forests. The Forest Wagtail is a rare migratory terrestrial bird of
Bangladesh. In winter, the bird comes to our country from the temperate regions of EastAsia, including China. At this time, it can be seen singly, in pairs or in small groups in
evergreen forests, mangrove forests, agricultural land or mixed forest of Chittagong, Dhaka,Khulna and Sylhet divisions. They eat spiders, ants or other insects by roaming in shady
forest areas, along forest roads or on the ground. During the breeding season of May-June,
they build nests in small trees near water in their main habitat.
eb LÄb, Rsjx LÄb
Ab ̈me LÄb mvaviYZ gvV-cÖvšÍ‡i wePiY Ki‡jI eb LÄb e‡b-R½‡j †ewk wePiY K‡i Ges
Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e dvuKv R½j G‡i cQ›
| eb LÄb evsjv‡‡ki weij cwihvqx f~Pi cvwL| kxZKv‡j cvwLwU Pxbmn c~ e© Gwkqvi bvwZkx‡Zvò AÂj †_‡K Avgv‡
i †‡k Av‡m| Gmgq PÆMÖ vg, XvKv, Lyjbv I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi wPimeyR eb, g ̈vb‡MÖvf eb, K...wlRwg wKsev wgkÖ evuke‡b GKv, †Rvovq ev †QvU
‡j †`Lv hvq| e‡bi Qvqvgq GjvKvq ev e‡bi cv‡ki iv ̄Ívq wKsev f~wg‡Z wePiY
K‡i gvKomv, wcucov ev Ab ̈vb ̈ †cvKvgvKo Lvq| †g-Ryb gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j g~j Avev‡m cvwbi
KvQvKvwQ †QvU Mv‡Q evmv ˆZix K‡i|
Birds of the Sundarban I 303
Photo © Foridi Numan