Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Citrine Wagtail, Yellow-hooded Wagtail
Binomial Name: Motacilla citreola
The Citrine Wagtail is a terrestrial bird of the tundra region. In winter, they migrate to SouthAsian countries, including our country. The Citrine Wagtail is a common migratory bird of
Bangladesh. In winter, it roams singly, in pairs or small groups, in water bodies, extensive marsh,marshland, lakes, mangrove forests, and damp grasslands of most country divisions. Even
though water bodies are their habitats, they do not go down to catch prey but sometimes wettheir feet and eat insects. Their breeding season is from May to August. At this time, they build
their nests in grass, bushes or behind rocks in their habitat.
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Nv‡mi †MvQv, †Sv‡ci Kv‡Q wKsev cv_‡ii Avov‡j evmv ev‡a|

Birds of the Sundarban I 305

Photo © Foridi Numan
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