Yellow Wagtail, Western Yellow Wagtail
Binomial Name: Motacilla flava
The Yellow Wagtail is a common migratory terrestrial bird of Bangladesh. Their origin isfrom Western Europe to Siberia. In winter, they migrate to different countries in South Asia,
including Bangladesh. At this time, they are usually found in small flocks in damp pastures,meadows, swamps, or water edges in all parts of the country. They walk on the ground
and eat a variety of insects. The tail constantly wags during meals. They spend the nightin groups of other Wagtails in reed forests or sugarcane fields. During the June-July
breeding season, they make nests at the base of grass clumps in Siberia and lay their
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Photo © Foridi Numan
(^306) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban