House Sparrow
Binomial Name: Passer domesticus
The House Sparrow is a common resident songbird of Bangladesh. This bird is seeneverywhere in all divisions, especially in localities. They can easily adapt to any environment
in the city or village close to human settlements. They do not live in uninhabited areas,although they can remarkably adapt to adverse environments. They usually live in pairs or
small groups and walk on the ground searching for food. Although grains and weed seedsare their main food, they also eat insects, scraps, and various other foods. If they get a
chance, they take a dust bath together. During the breeding season from March to June,
nests are made of straw and grass in the crevices of buildings, cracks in dams, or trees.
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MÖv‡g, gvbeemwZi KvQvKvwQ †h‡Kvb cwi‡e‡k Giv
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Rbgvbenxb GjvKvq Giv emevm K‡i bv| Giv mvaviYZ
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fe‡bi †dvuKi, wP‡j‡KvVv, evu‡ai dvUj wKsev Mv‡Q
Lo I Nvm w`‡q evmv evbvq|
(^308) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Mugniur Rahman Moni