Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Little Bunting
Binomial Name: Emberiza pusilla
The Little Bunting is similar in shape to the Sparrow bird. Thebird's original habitat is the taiga region in northeastern
Europe, from the tundra region of northern Euro-Siberian toeastern Russia. When the temperature of their original
habitat drops to freezing in winter, they migrate to thesubtropical regions of north-south China and the northern
part of Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh, in search of
food and shelter. The Little Bunting is a rare migratory bird ofBangladesh. Commonly found singly, in pairs, or in small flocks
in bushes, cropped paddy fields, grasslands, dry reed forests,and mangrove forests of Khulna, Rajshahi, and Sylhet divisions
during the winter season. They roam trees and shrubs and eat
insects and seeds. During the breeding season of June-July,they build their nests on the ground or in the grass clumps of
their original habitat.
Ly‡PUK, Ly‡ ev‡Nwi
Ly‡PUK AvKvi-AvK...wZ‡Z †L‡Z Po–B cvwLi g‡Zv| cvwLwUi g~j
Avevm BD‡iv‡ci DËi-c~‡e© ZvBMv AÂj, DËi BD‡iv-mvB‡ewiqvi
Zz›ªv AÂj †_‡K c~e© ivwkqv ch©šÍ| kxZKv‡j cÖPÛ VvÛvq Zv‡i g~j
Avev‡mi ZvcgvÎv hLb wngv‡¼i w‡K bvg‡Z _v‡K, ZLb Lv ̈ I
AvkÖ‡qi mÜv‡b Giv cwihvqx n‡q evsjv‡kmn DËi,w¶Y Pxb Ges
w¶Y-c~e© Gwkqvi DËiv‡ji DcμvšÍxq A‡j P‡j Av‡m| Ly‡
PUK evsjv‡`‡ki weij cwihvqx cvwL| kxZ †gŠmy‡g Lyjbv, ivRkvnx
I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi †Svc, KwZ©Z av‡bi †¶Z, Z...Yf~wg, ïK‡bv bjeb
I g ̈vb‡MÖvf e‡b mvaviYZ GKv, †Rvovq wKsev †QvU Svu‡K cvIqv
hvq| Mv‡Q I †Sv‡c wePiY K‡i Giv †cvKvgvKo I exR Lvq| Ryb-
RyjvB‡qi cÖRbb †gŠmy‡g Giv g~j Avev‡mi f~wg‡Z wKsev Nv‡mi
†MvQvq evmv ev‡a|

Birds of the Sundarban I 309

Photo © Foridi Numan
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