Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Baya Weaver
Binomial Name: Ploceus philippinus
The Baya Weaver and her nest are symbols ofindustry, self-reliance, construction, perseverance,
and hardiness. The bird is not found elsewhereoutside the Indian subcontinent, including
Bangladesh and Southeast Asia. The Baya Weaveris a weaverbird, a common resident bird of
Bangladesh. The bird is found in all divisions. They
usually roam open areas near cultivated land,grasslands, tall grass forests, mangrove forests, or
reed forests all year round and feed on grass seeds,grains, and insects. During the breeding season of
May-August, they colonize and build nests in the
palm, acacia, laran, Lebbeck, hental, date trees, etc.
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AmvaviY ˆkwíK evmv wbg©v‡Yi KvwiMi eveyB cvwL‡K
wb‡q Avgv‡i wkí-mvwnZ ̈ mg„ × n‡q‡Q| eveyB cvwL Ges Zvi evmv GKvav‡i wkí, ̄^wbf©iZv, wbg©vY, Aa ̈emvq, KómwnòzZvi cÖZxK| evsjv‡kmn
fviZxqDcgnv‡k Gesw¶Y-c~e© Gwkqvi
evB‡i c„w_exi Avi †Kv_vI cvwLwU‡K cvIqv
hvq bv| eveyB evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK eybbwe cvwL| me wefv‡MB cvIqv hvq
cvwLwU‡K| Giv AvevwRwgi Kv‡Q †Lvjv RvqMv, Z...Yf~wg, j¤^v Nv‡mi eb, bjeb wKsev g ̈vb‡MÖvf e‡b mviveQiB SvK a‡i wePiY K‡i Ges Nvm-exR, km ̈vbv I
†cvKvgvKo Ly‡U Lvq| †g-AvM÷ gv‡mi cÖRbb
FZz‡Z Giv Zvj, evejv, Kg, KovB, †nu Zvj, †LRyi cÖf...wZ Mv‡Qj a‡i K‡jvbx K‡i evmv evbvq|

Birds of the Sundarban I 311

Photo © Foridi Numan

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