Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Birds of the Sundarban I 63

Photo © Foridi Numan


Lesser Yellownape
Binomial Name: Picus
The Lesser Yellownape is thecommon resident bird of
Bangladesh. In Chittagong,
Khulna, and Sylhet, evergreen,deciduous, hilly, and mangrove
forests usually roam in pairs. Theycollect food from the bark of the
tree. The diet includes ants,
termites, wood-piercing insects,pupae, and juicy fruits. Breeding
time Eggs are laid between Apriland May by drilling holes in the
forest's dead trees' trunks.
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†eovq| gv‡S-g‡a ̈ wd‡O, QvZv‡i I
Ab ̈vb ̈ cZ½fzK cvwLi m‡½I wkKvi
Ki‡Z †Lv hvq| Giv VzKwi‡q Mv‡Qi evKj †_‡K Lv ̈ msMÖn K‡i|
Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q wcucov,
DuB‡cvKv, KvV wQ`ªKvix †cvKv,
wcDcv I imv‡jv dj| cÖRbb FZz
GwcÖj-†g gv‡m e‡bi g‡a ̈ ÿ‡q
hvIqv Mv‡Qi Kv‡Ð †KvUi evwb‡q 3
†_‡K 5wU wWg cv‡o|

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