Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1
Binomial Name: Picus viridanus
The streak-breasted woodpecker is arare resident bird of Bangladesh. Its
natural habitats are subtropical ortropical moist lowland forests and
subtropical or tropical mangrove forests.It is not found anywhere else in
Bangladesh outside the Sundarban. Forfood, they jump on fallen logs and look
for insects. The bark of the steep trunkof the tree can be wrapped and climbed
up quickly. Their diet list includes ants,termites, and insect larvae.

†Wviv-eyK KvV‡VvKiv,
`vwMeyK KvV‡VvKiv
†Wviv-eyK KvV‡VvKiv evsjv‡`‡ki weij
AvevwmK cvwL| Giv ev`veb, wPimey R eb
I DcK~jxq †Suv‡c wePiY K‡i|
evsjv‡`‡k my›`ieb Qvov Avi †Kv_vI
†`Lvi †iKW© bvB| Lvev‡ii †Luv‡R Giv
cwZZ Kv‡Vi ̧uwo‡Z jvwd‡q jvwd‡q
†cvKvgvKo †Luv‡R| nvu‡UI jvwd‡q
jvwd‡q| Mv‡Qi Luvov Kv‡Ði evKj Rwo‡q
a‡i ZiZwi‡q Ic‡i DV‡Z cv‡i|
Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q wcucov, DuB‡cvKv
I †cvKvi jvf©v|

(^66) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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