Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Green-billed Malkoha
Binomial Name: Phaenicophaeus tristis
Although the bird is relative to the cuckoo, there is no melody in the voice at all. Instead ofsinging, he sits quietly in the spring and listens to the cuckoo's song. But more active and
effective than the cuckoo. Can build a nest and take care of the chicks. The green-billedmalkoha is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. He usually wanders alone in the forests
of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, and Sylhet divisions, including the Sundarban. Their breedingseason is from April to August. They lay their eggs inside the dense forest by making
irregular nests with thin bamboo branches and trimming roots and leaves.
gvj‡Kvqv, eb †KvwKj, meyR †KvwKj
bxwin †Mv‡ePviv ai‡Yi wbwe©evgvj‡Kvqv‡K my‡hvM †c‡j NyNyI †Z‡o Av‡m| wKš‘ Zv‡ZI †m iv K‡i bvÑ eis cvwj‡q euv‡P| cvwLwU †KvwK‡ji fvB-eªvvi †Mv‡Îi| wKš‘ K‡É
†gv‡UB myi bvB| Mvb MvIqvi e‡j em‡šÍ PzcPvc e‡m †KvwK‡ji Mvb †kv‡b| Z‡e †KvwK‡ji g‡Zv Ajm ev AKg©v bv, †gvUvgywU evmv ˆZix, wKsev Qvbv‡i hZœ-AvwË Ki‡Z cv‡i| gvj‡Kvqv
evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL| my›iebmn
XvKv, PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi eb-ev`v‡o
mvaviYZ GKv GKv Ny‡i †eovq| Mv‡Qi cÎeûj
kvLvq I †Suv‡ci g‡a ̈ †nu‡U Lvevi Lvq| Lvev‡ii
ZvwjKvq ïu‡qv‡cvKv, dwos, wSuwSu †cvKv, wUKwUwK
I †QvU cvwLi wWg i‡q‡Q|

Birds of the Sundarban I 95

Photo © Foridi Numan
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