Horoscope Guide – October 2019

(WallPaper) #1

40 Horoscope Guide

and logical reasoning. People who have
planets in Air signs easily think through
their issues and come to a reasonable,
well-measured response to any problems
they are facing. The Air element also
bestows Libra with the gift of gab — the
ability to make small talk in any social
situation. Libra people can usually find
the right word for the right occasion, and
rarely get stuck with their foot in their
mouth. Libra people can be very witty
and take great delight in telling humorous
anecdotes about their daily lives to their
friends and family. Libra also has an
ability to smooth the waters of discontent
in personal and professional relationships,
and is thus often known as the diplomat
of the zodiac. For that reason, Librans
are often drawn to professions and social
situations where they need to mediate
situations and bring people together.
The Air element can give Libra
people a tendency to be somewhat cold

and calculating in their
assessment of others. They
can become social climbers
if they aren’t careful, and
may tend to use people who
can further their careers or
who might help them make
a splash in the community,
only to discard these same
people later.
Libra is also of the
masculine polarity, which
applies to six of the zodiac
signs; Aries, Gemini, Leo,
Libra, Sagittarius and
Aquarius. Masculine energy
in western astrology is a
correlation to the yang energy
in Chinese philosophy. The yin
energy applies to the feminine
astrological polarity.
Masculine energy is directed out into
the world and requires that action must
be taken in order to accomplish a goal.
Masculine energy can be forceful, and at
times too forceful, but it can also make
Libra people very focused when they
take aim at a particular goal. Because
of this, if they meet resistance they can
become seemingly unfeeling underneath
their pleasant and amiable demeanors.
Finally, if there is something most
outstanding about this sign, it is that
Librans have a strong belief in justice,
fairness, and equality for all, something
that is obvious even when they are showing
some of the more assertive qualities their
sign bestows. In terms of profession,
Librans tend to favor the legal profession
along with fashion design, diplomacy,
writing, hair styling and beauty, human
resource administration, museum curation,
and mediation.
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