62 Horoscope Guide
Astrology for
The New Age
A Cosmic
Perspective on Your
Personal Transits
For October 2019
by Tim Lyons
Inner-Outer Patterns
The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23,
and Venus enters that sign on October 8, stay-
ing there until November 1. Mercury enters
Scorpio on October 3 and, due to its October
31 retrograde, remains there until it goes direct
on November 20, finally entering Sagittarius
on December 9. The Sun begins the month in
Libra, at a time when astrologers would say it
is in its fall (or detriment), with polar-opposite
Aries as its exaltation (or dignity). Scorpio is
of course Venus’ detriment, with polar-oppo-
site Taurus as her dignity. In similar fashion,
Mars moves through Libra between October
3 and November 19. Astrologers consider
that sign as Mars’ detriment, with polar-op-
posite Aries as the dignity, but when Mars
leaves Libra he moves into one of his two
dignities: Scorpio. Many astrologers maintain
that Mercury doesn’t work so well in Scorpio,
as they would say intense emotionalism may
cloud or otherwise obstruct the clarity of
thought that Mercury purportedly revels in.
Finally, both Jupiter and Saturn find them-
selves in signs considered their dignities:
Sagittarius and Capricorn respectively, places
they will tenant for a bit more time, with
Jupiter remaining there until December 2,
2019, and Saturn remaining until December
17, 2020, though with a brief stop in Aquarius
from March 21 to July 1, 2020.
Can we detect any patterns here? Consider
this one: the planets symbolizing individual
drives find themselves in detriment positions,
fall positions, or in signs often considered
uncongenial for them. Given that, these per-
sonal planets must work for what they get
by combining opposites. This means that
we will have to do the same, for the sign
positions of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and
Mars, along with the Moon, guide our daily
interactions with others. Thus, we can expect
those interactions to present challenges, and,
with Scorpio involved, we will have to get
beneath the surface of the inner motivations
hidden by apparently simple situations, for
Scorpio points us toward the unconscious
factors that enrich us by drawing us toward
an inner world.
By contrast, the two major social plan-
ets, Jupiter and Saturn, find themselves in
their dignities, where, it seems, they will not
have to work so hard to manifest themselves
fully. And yet we should probably expect
social developments to contain some conun-
drums, confusions, and contradictions. Jupiter
in Sagittarius brings optimism, of course,
encouraging us to reach out into the world and
express ourselves fully and broadly, and seek-
ing, above all, “truth.” Saturn in Capricorn
reminds us – to put it mildly! – of the walls
or obstacles against which we find ourselves
butting our collective and social heads. Jupiter
in Sagittarius would like to ignore limits;
Saturn in Capricorn would like us to live by
limits all day long, always remaining cogni-