Eclectic Northeast – July 2019

(avery) #1
ENe Bureau



ith temperatures rising in many parts
across the region, people are finding it
harder and harder to get some respite from
the heat and humidity without relying on the AC. But,
it has to be said, that cranking the AC all the time can
be hazardous for the environment, not only that, it can
also lead to high electricity bills. If you are looking for
alternate ways to cool down the house then you should
try out these simple and effective tricks.

Here are some ways you can cool down your house this summer without
having to strain your AC all throughout the day

Keep it Cool

Switch to CFL
It is common knowledge that incandescent light
bulbs give off a lot of heat. This is why summertime is
the best time for you to switch to compact fluorescent
lamps. Yes, they are more expensive than the normal
light bulbs that you may be using but you need to
keep in mind that they last longer and give off much
less heat. If that doesn’t convince you enough, then
you should also know that CFLs can help save on the
electricity bill as well.
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