Muscle & Fitness UK – August 2019

(lu) #1

Creator of the Crockfit app and M&F
cover star Alex Crockford shares
the diet that’s responsible for
his insta-famous physique...
70g Oats with 150ml unsweetened
Almond Milk, 10g Chia Seeds,
50g Blueberries & 20g Micro Whey
1 Chicken Breast, 70g Broccoli, 5 Baby
Plum Tomatoes, 100g Cucumber,
90g cooked Beetroot & ¼ Avocado
(Pre-workout) 15g Reflex
Nutrition Muscle Bomb,
4 Thermo Fusion capsules
(Intra-workout) 15g Reflex
Nutrition BCAA Intra Fusion
(Post-workout) 25g Reflex
Nutrition Instant Whey Pro
1 Chicken Breast, 120g Quinoa
& Wholegrain Rice & 70g Broccoli
Reflex Rbar Protein Bar
& 15g Brazil Buts
Grilled White Fish & Potato Mash
50g Oats with 150ml unsweetened
Almond Milk & 1 square
85% Dark Chocolate

M&F Verdict: 10/10
Alex is a man after our own hearts with his double oats-fest! He says: “My nutrition is always quite varied, it’s
really important for me to enjoy my food as well as get all the nutrients I need to train hard, recover well and
achieve the results in my physique I’m looking for. We all may have different nutritional approaches, but two
key things to always prioritise is high protein, as well as filling your diet with real, natural, wholesome foods,
limiting highly processed foods.” Wise words indeed from the social media sensation. Alex aims for a round
2,500 calories to keep super lean year-round and adopts the little and often approach to ensure a steady
supply of nutrients and optimum protein synthesis throughout the day. Grilled fish and chicken breasts
are the gold standard of lean protein sources; it’s a yes from us, plus the addition of healthy fats from^
the chia seeds, avocado and Brazil nuts will provide a multitude of health benefits. The sneaky daily^
serving of dark chocolate will help keep sweet cravings at bay plus the well-timed dose of magnesium
it contains, alongside those satiating oats before bed, will help contribute to a restful night’s sleep.^
In fact, we have nothing bad at all to say about this well-structured plan... it’s a ten from us!^

What’s In Your Diary?


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