Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
n Lulu returns home from
Aiden’s birthday party to
find a special delivery from
Dante: divorce papers.
“She is absolutely blind-
sided,” sets up Co-Head
Writer Shelly Altman. “She
didn’t expect this, they
didn’t discuss it, and she is
shocked. She thought she
would have an opportunity,
at least, to talk through their
issues and as far as she is
concerned, the only issue is
that Dante needs some help
— and she thought he was
getting it. So, Lulu has a
decision to make. Does she
simply accept this without
any communication from
Dante, or does she fight it?”
Laura rushes to Lulu’s
side when she gets the
news. Says Altman, “Laura
doesn’t tell Lulu what to
do. She just is a supportive
mother.” Dante’s parents
also quickly get involved.
Notes Co-Head Writer
Chris Van Etten, “Sonny
and Olivia are in for a dou-
ble whammy.” They learn
about Dante shooting Peter,
“So the first thing that they
are processing is Dante’s
deteriorating psychologi-
cal state. That sends them
running to Lulu to find out
more — and there, they

learn that Dante has taken
the added step, in light of
what he did to Peter, to seek
a divorce from Lulu, and do
it with no other communi-
cation with anyone. With
regard to Dante, they are
working completely in the
dark. He has not been in
touch with anyone.”
As Lulu talks things over
with her in-laws, Van Etten

reports, “Sonny holds his
tongue a little bit when he
hears this news. Olivia is
diehard for Dante, as any
mother would be, and
she truly believes that he
needs help and that they
cannot abandon him or let
him abandon them. Sonny
has a different perspective
because he was there with
Dante in Turkey. He also
knows from his own experi-
ence, his own mental health

issues, that this is not some-
thing that can necessarily
be treated with simple blind
belief.” Chimes in Altman,
“All of them understand
that Dante, at least, believes
that he is doing this for the
greater good. It’s just that
they’re not sure he knows
what the greater good is
right now.”
Altman feels that intro-
ducing the possibility of
a divorce “seemed to be
realistic for the character of
Lulu moving forward. She’s
been alone for a long time,
and because of the charac-
ters’ situation, she stands to
be alone for a very long
time ahead.” And while
Lulu ponders her decision,
Altman has this to say to the
“Lante” fans: “The situation
in which Lulu finds herself
only illustrates how great
the love between Dante and
Lulu is, and the sacrifices
people sometimes have to
make for so great a love.”


“She is absolutely



late-breaking news

Separation Anxiety: Lulu’s
(Emme Rylan) absentee hubby,
Dante (Dominic Zamprogna),
wants out of their marriage.
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