Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
n The real Susan shows
up on the Kiriakis door-
step, moments after
Kristen was there imper-
sonating her, and it
throws Will, Brady and
Sonny for a loop.
“She’s like, ‘Surprise!
I’m here,’ ” recounts
Stacy Haiduk (Susan/
Kristen). “She’s look-
ing adorable in her
little outfit, which is
totally different from
the one [Kristen] was in
before. Will and Sonny
are like, ‘You were just
here.’ Susan says, ‘No, I
wasn’t,’ and gives them
the biggest hug.”
Sonny and Will find
the whole thing con-
fusing, as does Brady,
who was just hit on by
Kristen’s Susan. “They
all think it’s weird,” notes
Haiduk, “but they chalk it
up to, ‘It’s Susan.’ ”
Things start to make
sense to Susan when she
goes to Horton Town
Square and comes face to
face with Kristen disguised
as her. “At first, she’s like,
‘Who are you?’ ” says
Haiduk. “Then she real-
izes, ‘You’re mean, mean,
mean Kristen DiMera.’
And she gets really upset.”

Susan threatens her
look-alike with a gun, but
Kristen quickly covers,
claiming to be Susan’s sib-
ling, Sister Mary Moira.
“She’s left the convent,
and she’s met a guy,”
delivers the actress with a

chuckle. “And Susan just
thinks that’s wonderful.”
After promising Mary
Moira not to tell anyone
that they saw each other,
Susan bids farewell to
Salem, and Kristen returns
to her hotel room, where

she gets a visit from
Xander, who returns the
Nicole mask to her.
“He’s done with the
whole game that they’ve
been playing,” explains
Haiduk, whose Kristen
ends her alliance with the
black sheep Kiriakis.
However, Xander warns
Kristen that he could
expose her if he wanted
to, leaving Kristen feel-
ing insecure. “They’re not
working together anymore,
and he knows everything
that went on,” points out
Haiduk. “Xander could
go to the police at any
time and say, ‘Nicole is
Kristen.’ ”

late-breaking news

“Susan just
thinks that’s





Double Vision: The real Susan
(Haiduk) confronts
her disguised look-alike.
Free download pdf