Model Airplane News – August 2019

(Ron) #1
AUGUST 2019 49

Tell us about yourself and how long you’ve been involved
with RC airplanes.
I work in technical sales in the plastics industry. I got
interested in model aviation in the mid-’70s but couldn't afford
anything beyond a 2-channel radio. I got into RC for real in the late ’80s, and I
converted entirely to electric flight in 1995.

What is your view of the state of the RC airplane hobby today?
I believe aeromodeling, as we know it, is in a state of fundamental change.
Designing and building has always been at least half my enjoyment of the hobby,
but foam ready-to-fly airplanes are now the norm. These are fun models, but they
make people less invested in the hobby and, therefore, less likely to stay in it for the
long term.

What do you think is our biggest challenge in growing the hobby?
That depends on whether you want to get more people into the hobby or keep
people in the hobby for the long term. Without the “modeling” part of aeromodeling,
I think we’re going to find it harder to keep people in the hobby for the long term.
There are just so many other interests competing for our time. Simply attracting
more modelers is a function of marketing and community outreach, like local

Tell us about new hobbyists you’ve mentored.
Over the years, I’ve helped both people my age and also young people get into
fixed-wing RC. Lately, I’ve helped friends and youngsters get into FPV flying. The
toughness of these little quadcopters and the first-person view combine to make
the learning curve easier. My club hosts “Building 101” classes to teach newer
members the techniques needed to build traditional balsa-and-ply aircraft, and
these classes have been very successful for the small group of modelers who get

What do you think are the biggest hurdles to getting more people involved in RC?
The heavier FCC [Federal Communications Commission] presence comes at the
worst possible time. This heavier regulation is one more perceived obstacle for
new modelers and sends the message that these aircraft are threat to local
communities and full-scale aviation. Irresponsible drone owners have also fueled
bad press for the hobby.
I would urge clubs across the country to offer building classes and/or how-to
sessions at club meetings. Teaching modeling skills to newer members takes the
mystery out of it and allows more people to experience the pride of building and
flying their own airplane instead of buying one ready-built.

Tell us about yourself
and how long you’ve been
involved with RC airplanes.
I’ve been an aviation enthusiast
since I was two years old and started building any
type of model I could get my hands on from 1947 on.

What is your view of the state of the RC airplane
hobby today?
Rapidly disappearing. Youngsters have more desire
to play with electronics, especially cell phones.

What aspect of model airplanes do you think is
growing the fastest?
Model jets.

What do you think is our biggest challenge in
growing the hobby?
Changing the percentage of retired modelers to
those new to modeling.

What’s more important: learning to build or
learning to fly?
Learning to fly might kindle the interest to build
something special, more personal.

What are the biggest challenges to getting more
people involved in RC?
Creating the “desire” and personal challenge to
master the art of building and flying.

Have you thought of any possible solutions?
Many. But what is most amazing is that the very
companies who are slowly going out of business are
the last ones to take any ideas on how to change
or better things. I truly believe that if the same
companies that caused the death of the hobby
would band together with some media outlets, like
Model Airplane News, they could certainly affect a
change. But time is running out. J

Warbirds Over Delaware is a huge event that brings in busloads of spectators. While Top Gun attracts elite competitors, it also inspires non-RC’ers to get involved.

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