50 ModelAirplaneNews.com
y Aeronca Champ is 1/10 scale and has a
42 1/2-inch wingspan, making for a nice,
compact 4-channel RC flier. The model
has removable plug-in wings for easy transport
in small vehicles, and features a functional cabin
door for easy battery access without the need
for an external hatch. Control incorporates four
submicro servos, with power provided by a Suppo
2208 outrunner motor and a 2S LiPo battery pack.
The Champ features old-school stick-and-tissue
construction and easy-to-assemble egg crate–style
wing construction. Laminated outlines are used on
the wings and tail to keep the structure strong and
light. The model also features true-scale outlines and
scale rib spacing, so the model not only flies well but
also has a scalelike appearance. To make life easier
for the scratch builder, a vacuum-formed engine
cowl and a windshield are available from Park Flyer
Plastics (parkflyerplastics.com).
Aeronca 7AC Champ
This classic “Airknocker” is easy to build and a great flier
Th e Champ is set up and ready for her maiden fl ight.
2 1/16 x 4 x 36 in. balsa sheet
1 3/32 x 4 x 36 in. balsa sheet
1 1/8 x 4 x 36 in. balsa sheet
1 1/8 x 4 x 4 in. light ply
1 1/32 x 2 x 2 in. birch ply
1 1/16 sq. x 12 in. basswood
10 1/16 x 1/8 x 36 in. balsa
1 1/16 x 3/16 x 36 in. balsa
2 1/16 x 1/4 x 36 in. balsa
1 3/32 x 1/8 x 36 in. balsa
1 3/32 x 3/16 x 36 in. balsa
8 1/8 sq. x 36 in. balsa
1 1/8 x 1/4 x 12 in. balsa
1 3/16 x 3/8 x 36 in. balsa
1 .025 x 18 in. steel wire
1 .032 x 18 in. steel wire
1 .046 x 18 in. steel wire
1 .062 x 18 in. steel wire
1 1/16 O.D. x 4 in. aluminum tube
1 5/32 O.D. x 12 in. aluminum tube
1 3/32 O.D. x 4 in. brass tube
1 1/8 O.D. x 18 in. brass tube
2 3/32 in. wheel collar
2 #2 flat washer
1 pr. 2-in. main wheels
1 1/2-in. tailwheel
1 5-ft. heavy-duty nylon thread
1 plastic cowl and windshield
1 .006 x 4 x 8 in. acetate
1 roll covering material
1 1/16 O.D. x 12 in. plastic tube
1 round wood toothpick
1 light CA glue hinge stock
1 manila file folder
1 Suppo 2208/17 outrunner motor
1 12A ESC
1 GWS 8-4HD propeller
1 2S 800mAh LiPo battery
2 Suppo 4.4g submicro servo
2 Suppo 6g submicro servo
2 9-in. servo extension lead
1 6-in. Y-lead
Materials List