03.2019 | THE SCIENTIST 43
thesia has yielded insights not only into
the effects of anesthetics themselves,
but also into neural processes related to
conditions in which brain oscillations
are altered, such as aging^9 and patho-
logical conditions including autism.^10
In addition, the anesthetics methylhexi-
tal and alfentanil have proven useful in
stimulating seizure activity in the brains
of epilepsy patients, helping neurosur-
geons to precisely locate the problem-
atic tissue to resect. Advances in this
field also point to the possibility of using
anesthesia as a treatment for a handful
of brain-related conditions.
This concept is not entirely ne w. For
example, during deep general anesthe-
sia and coma, an EEG pattern known
as burst-suppression is observed. This
pattern consists of bursts of electrical
activity alternating with flat periods of
inactivity. Neurologists frequently use
anesthetics to induce a medical coma
in patients with intractable seizures or
raised intracranial pressure to arrest the
seizure activity or decrease brain swell-
ing. The comatose state is maintained by
observing EEGs and titrating the anes-
thetic infusion rate to maintain a spe-
cific number of bursts per minute. This
procedure ordinarily requires a human
to assess the burst-suppression rate and
manually adjust the anesthetic dose, but
our research suggests that full automa-
tion of the process is possible.^11
Another area where insights into the
neural mechanisms of anesthesia might
improve treatment options is sleep.
Sleep has two main stages: rapid eye
movement (REM) and non-REM sleep.
Non-REM sleep is a state of profound
unconsciousness that scientists con-
sider to be most important for achieving
properly restful sleep. Non-REM sleep
is characterized by two main oscillatory
patterns in brain activity: sleep spindles
(10–15 Hz) and slow oscillations. Most
sleep aid medications do not produce
oscillatory brain activity that closely
resembles the activity observed during
natural sleep. However, the anesthetic
dexmedetomidine, which affects circuits
in the brainstem that are involved in
control of wakefulness,^12 produces EEG
patterns that are similar to those that
occur during non-REM sleep.^13 Clinical
trials are currently under way to test its
efficacy as a sleep aid.
Anesthetics such as ketamine,
xenon, and nitrous oxide have already
been shown to have acute antidepres-
sant effects. There is evidence that other
anesthetics, such isoflurane and propo-
fol, when dosed to the level of producing
burst suppression indicative of a medi-
cal coma, have long-lasting antidepres-
sant effects without the short-term cogni-
tive impairment and amnesia associated
with electroconvulsive therapy. Ketamine
might exert its antidepressant effect by
increasing the number of synaptic recep-
tors and other synaptic signaling pro-
teins, and even increasing the number of
synapses in the brain.^14
More than 170 years after its first
public demonstration, general anesthe-
sia allows millions of painless surgeries
to be performed daily across the world
and is still the bedrock on most surgical
procedures are performed. At the same
time, the study of the effects of anesthet-
ics in brain function is opening many
exciting opportunities for the develop-
ment of novel anesthetic paradigms and
for research on other questions in clini-
cal neuroscience. g
Emery N. Brown is the Warren M. Zapol
Professor of Anaesthesia at Harvard Medi-
cal School, a practicing anesthesiologist at
Massachusetts General Hospital, and the
Edward Hood Professor of Medical Engi-
neering and Computational Neuroscience
at MIT. Francisco J. Flores is an instructor
in Anaesthesia at Massachusetts General
Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
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The brain state of a patient under general
anesthesia can be reliably tracked using
the EEG.