SM Shopmag – July 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Have my brother

cut my hair

Be bald forever

Would you rather have your brother cut

your hair every time or be bald forever?



[Learning from

my mistakes]

is something

I keep on

making sure

I do, even

when it comes

to sports.

for a long time. But it also makes you happy

because they do it for their future and do

it for themselves. So I’m just thankful that

even if he’s away, there’s something I can

learn from him and be inspired about.

What do you think was your biggest failure?

How did you rise up from it and what did

you learn?

Kobe: I think my biggest failure was always

doubting myself. It’s one thing I never

really understood as a kid, how important

self-love is. I’ve been working on it since

I came back from the States. At least

now, I’m really honest with myself and I’m

learning to get better and face all my fears.

With what I go through, I know that the next

days will be better.

André: For me, I think my biggest failure

would be not learning from my mistakes.

I always make [them], and that’s normal.

[Learning from my mistakes] is something

I keep on making sure I do, even when it

comes to sports.

What are your favorite activities to do inside

SM Supermalls?

Kobe: Shop. That’s one habit I have. Like

in every store I go to, [there’s] always



What skill would you want forever:

Shoot three pointers or dunk?



win the lottery!

win the lottery!

Would you rather win the lottery or win

every game you play?

To FLy

most hated team

and win. it's better

to be a winner

most hated team

and win

Ability to Fly.

i won't go through

immigration and

all that

Would you rather have super speed or

the ability to fly?

Would you rather get into your dream

NBA team but never win a game or get

into your most hated NBA team but win

all of your games?

something I want. That’s one thing I’d

have to be more mature about, spending

money wisely because when I’m in a mall,

I go crazy.

André: I just love to eat. I look for the best

restaurants because I love hanging out with

friends. When friends ask me, "Do you know

where to eat?" I'm like, "Haha. I know where

to take you."

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