Reader\'s Digest Australia - 05.2019

(Joyce) #1

6 | May• 2019



Humour to Heal

I really enjoyed David Smiedt’s sense of
humour on what is a very serious subject

(‘So, Anyone Here Got Cancer?’
November). At the time of such adversity,
humour is one of the few things to get you

through dark times. It would be good if his
comedy showFinding Chemowas filmed
and made available through cancer

organisations. It could be a therapeutic tool
for those facing the long journey to

recovery. I lost my wife to cancer so this
request comes from the heart.ROBERT EFFORD

Mr Fix It

The repair café movement is a great
idea. I can relate to ‘The Quest to
Buy Less’ (March). My husband,
John, refuses to buy anything new
when an old item can be repaired.
Friends and family know him as
‘Mr Fix It’ because if it is broken, he
will fix it. Odds and ends may have
been squirrelled away for 40 years,
but John will eventually find a use
for them. When I ask for things to be
thrown out, his response is: “It may

come in handy sometime.” On many
occasions this has come to fruition,
so I’ve learned to bite my tongue.

Bond of Family
My brother died when I was three
and ever since I have been drawn
to stories about the unbreakable
bond that unites siblings, such as
‘A Brother’s Love’ (February). Their
relationship transcends all others
and will always survive.

LET US KNOWIf you are moved – or provoked – by any item in the
magazine, share your thoughts. See page 5 for how to join the discussion.
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