Speed Philippines – July 2019

(Wang) #1

104 JULY 2019


No, they’re not the
socially awkward
people who pop culture
has molded into a bad
stereotype. They are the
experts and enthusiasts
who show an inordinate
amount of passion fora
certain field, topic,
or activity.

Speed scours the streets
for these different
types of geeks—from
intellectuals to die-
hard aficionados, from
professionals to devout
amateurs. They are
aplenty, and we aim
to showcase what a
special bunch they are by
featuring a select few one
issue at a time.

PR Manager, Marketing and Communication Services
MG Philippines

Tell us a little bit about your background and what you did before landing your
current job.
Prior to my current post I was in media for over a decade—as a lifestyle columnist
for a national daily, features editor for a health magazine, and as a regular
contributing writer and photographer to numerous media outfits and titles. I also
worked in digital brand marketing and content creation for a leading digital lifestyle
network. I am enjoying my position now as PR manager for MG Philippines.

So, you’re a media guy. But have you always been a car guy?
I grew up around two brothers who are real car guys. All that I know about cars and
how to appreciate them, I learned from my older brothers. I guess that makes me
a car guy by osmosis.

Haha! I guess you could say that. How are you behind the wheel?
Cruising, having a chill ride, and listening to good music are always going to be
more important than going fast.

How do you keep your cool when you’re stuck in traffic?
It’s all about mentally preparing yourself for the inevitable. Even before leaving the
house I know I’m going to get stuck in traffic, and that there’s nothing I can do about
it. So I enter the car prepared with that mindset. Which sucks, because things should
be better.

Indeed, they should. Can you tell us about your dream road trip?
I want to disappear for a few years with my wife and drive across the world.

Besides your phone, what apps, gadgets, or tools can’t you leave
home without?
Along with the phone, the laptop goes with me everywhere. I don’t need anything
else. Sometimes the phone and laptop are even too much.

What upcoming gadget or technology are you most excited about?
I’m still waiting for hi-fi Bluetooth headphones with zero-latency. No brand has
quite achieved this yet.

Any gadget or tech from your childhood do you miss?
I still want to own a classic Sega Rally Championship arcade unit.

How do you unwind after a long work day or work week?
Go cycling, build Gundam or Tamiya kits, play basketball, read comics, willingly fall
into the YouTube/Facebook/IG hole, go to the cinema, or just binge watch something.
And sometimes I partake in the best activity of all: doing absolutely NOTHING.

Ooh, we love that last one! We’re halfway through 2019. What’s on your 2019
bucket list that you have yet to do but plan to accomplish by end of the year?
Remodel the apartment my wife and I are moving into. That should be done before
the year ends.
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