Zuccarin™ from New Nordic
is the no.1 selling mulberry
leaf supplement in the world.
ecently, an Italian study of a sug-
ar-blocking supplement showed sig-
nifi cant weight loss results.^1 Th e sup-
plement, called Zuccarin, produced on
average 20 pounds of weight loss, in the
90 day study.
Th e subjects lost 10% of their body weight,
inches off their waistline and three times
the weight of the control group, who was
also on a 1300 calorie controlled diet, but
not taking the Zuccarin supplement. In
addition, the subjects also experienced
healthier blood sugar levels aft er using
The slimming effect
of stable blood
sugar levels
The link between sugar consumption and increased body fat
has long been known. Too much sugar in the diet promotes
more insulin, the fat storing hormone, and thus more body fat.
Mulberry leaf extract has been used for a while to promote
healthy blood sugar levels, but can it also promote weight loss?
“I read about Zuccarin in a magazine and
since I have blood sugar issues, I started
taking this supplement. I have taken
it for two years now and can’t imagine
being without it. I have seen my blood
sugar levels stabilize and I have even lost
25 pounds since starting.
I recommended Zuccarin to a lot of my
friends and they are now experiencing
the same good results as I have. I love
this product.”
The explanation behind the weight loss could be that Zuccarin uses mulberry
leaf extract and chromium to promote healthy blood sugar levels. Mulberry
leaf has shown to reduce the absorption of sugars in the foods we eat. When
these sugars are undigested, our blood sugar stabilizes and, according to
experts, weight loss can occur.
Available at participating pharmacies, health food stores and online. For more information or to buy directly from the
manufacturer, call 1-877-696-6734 or visit our website http://www.newnordicusa.com. @newnordicnorthamerica
1 877 696 6734
for more information
- Elenor C. Mia i, FL.
1- “White Mulberry Supplementation as Adjuvant Treatment of Obesity”, Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents., Vol 28, no.1, 2014. To make sure
this product is right for you, always read the label and follow the instructions.
*model photo