First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1
To look bright-eyed after a late night
with friends, simply rub the white side
of a banana peel on the skin under
your eyes and over your closed eye-
lids. Let sit for 10 minutes, then wash
any residue off. The peel’s potassium
will draw out f luids and ease swelling,
so you’ll look refreshed in a blink.


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Ouch! You brushed your arm against
a pot on the stove and you don’t have
any first-aid cream on hand to soothe
the pain. What can help: Hold the
white side of a banana peel on the
affected skin for five minutes. Banana
peels are packed with antioxidants
and vitamins (like vitamin B-6), that
will help speed healing and ease the
sting. You’ll feel better in no time!

If your potted plants look li ke t hey
could use a little pick-me-up, enlist
the help of a banana peel. Simply
wipe the leaves of the plants with
the white side of the peel. Its slightly
rough texture will gently buff away
dirt on the leaves, and its natural oils
will leave behind a glossy shine.

Add shine to

(^5) houseplants
Soothe tired,
puffy eyes
Ease the pain
(^1) of a minor burn
Cook up juicy,
tender chicken
Nothing brightens your day like
the sight of butterf lies paying a
visit to your backyard. The secret
to attracting them: banana peels!
The peel contains sugar, which
the winged creatures love. Simply
set a few peels on rocks or a tree
stump in your yard, and they’ll
stop by for a taste!
Attract butterflies
to your yard
10 brilliant uses for
You promised to make guacamole
for tomorrow’s church picnic, but the
avocado in your kitchen isn’t quite
ripe. The save: Place it in an airtight
container with a banana peel for 12 to
24 hours. The peel will release ethylene,
the natural gas that promotes ripening.
Ripen an avocado
(^6) in a flash
life made easy
Chicken breasts are your go-to for a
quick and healthy family dinner. The
only problem? The breasts often end
up a litt le dr y. To ensure your chicken
turns out juicy every time, place a
banana peel, white side down, on top
of the chicken while it cooks. The
peel acts like skin to lock in the meat’s
juices—without affecting the f lavor
of the chicken.

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