First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1


To give the roses in your garden a
healthy boost, cut up a banana peel
and bury the pieces just below the soil
at the base of the bush. Minerals in
the peel will nourish the plant, ensur-
ing healthy blooms and growth.

Guarantee a
lush rosebush

Eek! While writing your to-do list,
your pen exploded all over your hands,
and soap and water aren’t doing the
trick. The save: Rub the inside of a
banana peel on the areas covered in
ink until the stains disappear. The
peel’s natural oils weaken the ink’s
bond with the skin, allowing you to
rinse off any marks that remain.

Lift ink stains

(^7) from skin
Banish a dog’s
warts naturally
Instead of splurging on expensive
teeth-whitening strips to get a picture-
perfect smile, reach for a banana peel.
To do: Rub the white side of the peel
on your teeth for two minutes, repeat-
ing daily. You should see results in a
week. Banana peels contain minerals
like magnesium, potassium and man-
ganese that minimize stains on the
teeth without damaging the enamel.
Whiten teeth
(^9) on the cheap
8/26/19 First for women 83
Buster has a few unsightly warts on
his paw that he keeps rubbing and
licking. To get rid of them naturally
and help him feel better, try this:
Every day, rub the inside of a banana
peel over each of the warts for a few
minutes. The peel contains com-
pounds that help kill the virus that
causes warts. (Note: If the warts
remain after two weeks or if they
return, have a vet take a look, as warts
can be contagious to other dogs.)

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