Thrasher – August 2019

(avery) #1

the way, becoming at one with myself away
from the skateboarding spotlight, without a
cool group of people to surround myself with,
I had to take a deep look within, which can be
a very difficult thing to do. After I broke free
though, nothing feels challenging—everything
feels possible. When I see people drinking, I
just think of how much of an idiot I become
when I drink and how bad the hangover is.
Those two thoughts alone give me continued

What are the rewards of staying sober?
I could go on and on about this! Some of
the main things are just the feeling of clarity
I live with now. It’s far more of a high than
drugs or alcohol could every compare with;

the feeling of being in control at all times and
not dependent upon an unnecessary factor in
my life. I feel so much more healthy and have
become more conscious of what food I eat,
the energy I surround myself with and the
energy I put out into this world. I feel that I
have tapped into my mind in a way that I had
never done before while partying. I can accept
full responsibility in my life and my actions. I
have no nights that I am embarrassed about
and no behavior that I do not remember. I am
alive and grateful for every second of it!
What advice would you give to someone
who wants to quit?
I think that addiction is very different for
every single person. Not everyone’s able to

just quit without serious help from friends,
family, therapy, AA and many other techniques
that exist. The first and most important part
of the journey really does start with you,
though. You have to make the decision that
you really want it and are willing to make
the changes you need to make in order to
be successful. I think that even if you are
getting help from others, if you do not make
the decision yourself, then you will be weak
when your support system is not around. If
you really want to be sober, then you will be
sober, you just can’t take the easy route. You
must remember that more than likely you
have spent many years conditioning your
body to the drugs and alcohol. You have
become dependent on them. It will not be
easy, but you can do it. I believe in you! I am
no therapist or doctor, so I wouldn’t use the
words as professional advice, but hopefully
they can help inspire others to get clean
too. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; don’t be
afraid to take that first step. I can say from
experience that it will be the best step of your
new life!




Blunt slide in living color,
a lifetime away from the
Muskalade days

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