The Guardian - 31.07.2019

(WallPaper) #1

Section:GDN 12 PaGe:5 Edition Date:190731 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 30/7/2019 18:00 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

  • The Guardian
    Wednesday 31 July 2019 55
    Notes & queries

The weekly series where readers answer other readers’

questions on subjects ranging from trivial fl ights

of fancy to profound scientifi c concepts

... and why does one of
my children love being
tickled, while the other
hates it?
I could never stand being tickled
as a child, but neither did I seem
able to communicate my dislike of
it to the tickler. I doubt it did me
any harm – but it gave me a lifelong
horror of refl exology.
M y six-year-old daughter and I have

Is being tickled

good for you?

a tickle party every night before bed.
We are both surprisingly ticklish.
It’s the highlight of the day, but can
drag on for an hour. Under the chin.
Never fails.
One child loves it and the other
doesn’t because we are all
individuals – even brothers and
sisters can be very diff erent from
each other. My fi rst baby loved a
bedtime lullaby; the second hated
it and found it such torture that
I had to stop (even though he has
subsequently shown he likes music).
Ian Warren
It releases the same endorphines
as chocolate, chilli and sex do, but
it’s a much more intimate thing,
particularly as you get older.

Any answers?
We are often told
that the farming
industry cannot
manage without
using pesticides,
and artifi cial
fertiliser. With
biodiversity in
such a precarious
state, what
would happen
if there were
a moratorium
on their use for
a year or two?
Would farmers
be bankrupted?
Would we be
by bugs?
Howard Yardy,
Melksham, Wilts

How can I
which will be the
Debbie Levey,
Mass, US

How to reply
Email notes and
queries at nq@
com or discuss
online at
Submission and
publication of
all contributions
are subject to
our terms and

This could be solved by planting
different species of grass
around the field and having
the groundstaff mow them to a
uniform height, based on the very
short grass at the high end. At the
low end they could use a pampas
grass, or even corn. This would
make fielding in the tall grass a
little tough, but well worth it when
we see an arm suddenly poke out
of the grass to catch a long ball;
the fact that the batter could not
see the fielders on one side of the

Why not hide the

Lord’s cricket

ground slope in

the long grass?

pitch would also add to the drama.
Why would you flatten Lord’s? We
don’t want every cricket stadium
in the world to look like the
Gabba (in Brisbane) or the MCG
(Melbourne), do we? They are vast,
soulless places that could be any
stadium in the world. Most British
cricket stadiums at least have their
own personality; please, don’t
make it flat.
mickey rock
Lord’s is the worst ground to play
cricket on – the wicket is mostly
slow and the the slope is nonsense.
Old Traff ord is probably the best
in England; it has pace, bounce,
spin – everything.
I cycle up Lisson Grove (the road
behind the pavilion) every day to
work, so while they are at it, could
they level that, too?

says. “Initially, I would get a lot
of questions from people asking
whether I was seeing a therapist
and why I needed it, but there’s
a greater awareness now. As self-
care becomes more popular, the
surprised reaction to having a life
coach has gone away.” Rosengard’s
work with Rogers has led her into a
career as a management consultant.
Increasingly, young people are
choosing life coaching itself as their
profession. “The career is growing
rapidly,” says Magdalena Mook,
the CEO of the ICF. “We have 900
new members joining each year,
with many Gen Zs training. They
will be the future of the profession,
as they really see it as a viable
career choice .”


Langdon, 26, is based in Jersey and
has been practising for three years.
“I became obsessed with personal
development and enabling people
to get the best out of themselves,”
he says. “ Coaching seemed like the
only career choice that would add a
sense of purpose to my life. I knew
I could connect well with younger
people and that they would trust
me, because I’m a millennial myself.
The demand has been huge.”


A good coach

is a mentor

in all things –

they show

you how to

be an adult

Wasn’t it basically all
down to human ingenuity
and clever maths?

David Harper, Cambridge
According to the BBC World
Service’s series 13 Minutes to
the Moon, the Apollo guidance
computer was essential to the moon
landing. It acted as an autopilot,
fl ying the lunar module down to
the surface of the moon – a feat
that would have been impossible
for an astronaut. Even when Neil
Armstrong took control of the lunar
module in the fi nal minutes of the
descent, the guidance computer
was still doing most of the fl ying,
with Armstrong making small

What part did

computers play

in the Apollo 11

moon landing?

adjustments to choose the best
landing spot. The clever maths and
human ingenuity were embodied
in the programs that the guidance
computer was running.
Chris Rogers
The clever maths and ingenuity
of the humans involved had to
be programmed into the world’s
fi rst portable digital computer to
get the mission done. The computer
did almost everything, calculating
the right time to start and end
engine burns, descent rates,
altitudes etc. Some of this happened
automatically, some after prompts
from the crew. They had to help,
too, by taking star readings to
check the inertial navigation
system was right.
Fluff yDog
The Apollo guidance computer
was hardly portable – it weighed
about 32kg and measured 61×32×17
cm. But given the technology of
the time (the version that was
used on the manned fl ights was
designed in 1965-66) it was a
marvel of miniaturisation.

With prices ranging from £45 a
session to £500 and above , it is cost
rather than any stigma that seems
the biggest barrier to accessing a
coach. Gabby Carpenter, 19, hired
a coach two years ago, when she
was applying to university. “I had
to use all the money I was making
in my summer job to aff ord the
sessions, but I wouldn’t hesitate
to recommend it to my peers,” she
says. “It might seem a bit woo-woo,
but that investment gave me the
confi dence and structure to get into
medical school and will pay off for
the rest of my career. It sets you up
for life.” Carpenter believes that the
skills she learned through coaching
will help her as a doctor. “Coaching
teaches you how to communicate
properly and how to prioritise
diff erent aspects of your life, which
is something that we Gen Zs have
struggled with,” she says. “We’ve
grown up with technology and
distractions – we almost have to learn
how to look someone in the eye.”
With a new branch of his
recruitment company having just
opened in Manchester, Dixon plans
to continue seeing his own life
coach. “You end up building a really
close mentor-like relationship ,” he
says. “She’s really helped me get
that balance between ambition,
purpose and life. Young people
just need to slow down; once
we do, we fi nally have the
space to fi gure out what we’re
good at. From there, we can
build much better, more
considered lives.”

(Left to right)
the life coaches
Hailey Yatros,
Harry Langdon
and Kali Rogers





ГГГand Kali RogersГand Kali Rogersand Kali Rogersand Kali RogersОО

Harry Langdon

Harry Langdon
and Kali Rogersand Kali RogersТ

Harry LangdonHarry LangdonHarry LangdonHarry LangdonООООВ

Hailey Yatros,

Hailey Yatros,
Harry LangdonHarry LangdonИ

Hailey Yatros,Hailey Yatros,ЛЛЛЛ
Harry Langdon

Harry Langdon

Hailey Yatros,Hailey Yatros,Hailey Yatros,Hailey Yatros,АГГГ
the life coaches
the life coaches
Hailey Yatros,
Hailey Yatros,

the life coachesthe life coachesthe life coachesthe life coachesУУУПП

(Left to right)

(Left to right)
the life coachesthe life coachesП

(Left to right)(Left to right)АААА

"What's "What's "What's

and Kali Rogers

and Kali RogersNews" News" News" News"

Harry Langdon

Harry Langdon
and Kali Rogersand Kali RogersNews"


Harry Langdon


Harry Langdon
and Kali Rogers


and Kali Rogers
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