The Guardian - 31.07.2019

(WallPaper) #1

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  • The Guardian
    6 Wednesday 31 July 2019




chocolate and bad moods, breakouts
are one of the tired tropes often
associated with periods. But spots
that coincide with the so-called
crimson tide can be one of life’s very
real inconveniences. Hence the rise
of period skincare.
The idea is that your skin
undergoes a series of changes
as your hormones ebb and fl ow
throughout your 28-day cycle, and
therefore your skincare routine
should morph, too.
A glut of brands now cater to
this idea. The US-based Amareta
off ers “hormonal cycle-based clean
skincare”, recommending its Petal
Soft cleansing balm for weeks one
and two (counting from the fi rst
day of your period) and Pure Peace
clarifying serum for weeks three and
four. Veneff ect, another US-based
brand, suggests products high in
salicylic or glycolic acid in the days

leading up to your period – a bid
to control oil production – then
“skin-soothers”, such as serums and
moisturisers, to help you “amp up
the glow” during it.
Charlotte Ferguson set up Disciple
Skincare , her London-based “natural
skincare company for stressed-out
skin”, because of her own adult
acne. For her, menstruation-savvy
skincare might mean using alpha
hydroxy acids in the week before
your period when oestrogen drops
and progesterone and testosterone
surge: “ That’s what can make your
skin particularly oily and your pores
blocked and infl amed.” These acids
are good, she says, for “breaking the
sticky bonds between dead skin cells
and the surface of your skin. They
help to dissolve the oil.” She also
recommends a double, deep pore
cleanse and advises against using
heavy creams. “They are going to
block your pores and you’ll be more
likely to break out.”
For the week of your period and
the week after, she suggests using
a retinol treatment at night and
vitamin C in the day: the former to
“help heal and reduce any scarring
that you might have from breakouts
you’ve had in the week before”,
the latter “because it’s really
brightening. Your skin is more likely
to have a glow because of all the
oestrogen anyway [so] it’s a really
good thing to use at the same time.”
Of course, not all women have
periods. But for those who always
get spotty during them or oily just
beforehand, this will sound familiar.
“When you speak to people about
it, they are like: ‘That totally makes
sense; I’ve just never thought about
it before ,’” says Ferguson.
But does the science back it
up? According to Dr Sweta Rai , a
dermatologist at King’s College
hospital, there are certain skin
conditions that can happen during
your period, such as spots and acne
fl ares, but “periods in themselves
don’t really give you anything to
write home about”. “ In the medical
world,” she says, “we don’t generally
advise diff erent people on [diff erent]
skincare products during their
According to Dr Anjoli Mahto ,


savvy skincare

products: clever

marketing or

proof of an

industr y fi nally

taking women

seriously? By

Ellie Violet


a consultant dermatologist at
Chelsea’s Cadogan clinic, there is
a little bit of science to back up the
idea of period-specifi c skincare,
despite the fact that “nobody’s done
any studies on this”. During the
“second half of your cycle, you do
tend to be quite progesterone- and
testosterone-heavy, and that’s why
a lot of people fi nd their skin can
get a bit oilier after ovulation and
more spot-prone in the run up to
their period”. You could therefore
argue that there’s some benefi t to
“ramping up your actives, like your
acids – alpha and beta hydroxy acids

  • and your retinols in that time” to
    combat any increased oiliness.
    But, she says, there is no guarantee
    it will work.
    Rather than switching your
    routine for diff erent times of the
    month, Ra i advises using sunscreen
    and a good moisturiser that work
    for you throughout it. For most
    of Mahto’s patients, it is more
    eff ective to have “a consistent
    skincare routine to deliver reliable
    results” rather than “chopping
    and changing”.
    If the medical community is not
    behind the trend, what else might
    be driving it? There is increasing
    chatter around the idea of “cyclical
    living”, with women encouraged to
    harness the power of their monthly
    hormonal fl uctuations rather than
    fi ght against them. Where hormones
    were once a fast lane to “hysteria”,
    they are now things to be listened
    to, a possible tool of personal
    The burgeoning “femtech”
    market, which includes the rise of
    period trackers and is estimated to
    be worth $50bn (£41bn) by 2025 , is
    feeding into an increasing intimacy
    with hormonal fl uctuations.
    From Clue to Flo , apps are already
    telling their users when they are
    ovulating or when to expect that
    pre-menstrual fug to descend. It
    doesn’t feel like too big a leap to
    apply the tracking mentality of
    apps to skincare.
    Period skincare also slots neatly
    into the trend for targeted beauty
    products. Last year saw a surge
    in “ anti-pollution skincare ”,
    which featured products marketed

A lot of people

fi nd their skin

can get a bit

oilier after

ovulation and

more spot-prone

in the run-up to

their period

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