Daily Mirror - 24.07.2019

(Frankie) #1

To nominate for Pride of Britain 2019 visit prideofbritain.com
BORN with no lower arms and
a leg that had not formed
normally, Cornel Hrisca-
Munn’s parents were told their
son had no chance of survival.
Doctors in Romania took
him to an orphanage, where
they expected him to die
within a few days.
But aid workers Doreen and
Ken Munn, who’d travelled to
the country from
the UK to help at
the orphanage,
believed he
deserved more of
a chance at life.
After gaining
permission from
his parents, they
brought him back
to Worcestershire,
where their local
BUPA hospital
offered free
treatment and
Cornel’s leg.
When he was two, the
couple adopted him, with the
permission of his natural
parents. With their love and
support, Cornel continued to
thrive. He tried a prosthetic,
but not comfortable, he
adapted to life without it.
And ignoring his own
disabilities, he started to raise
money for charity. In 2003, he
was particularly touched by
the plight of Iraq War victim
Ali Abbas and other children
affected by war.
He said: “Because I have no
arms myself I sort of had a
feeling of what he was going
through. Although it was
much worse for him as he had
arms before.”
Cornel swam 1,000m in a
sponsored swim,
for the Limbless
Association Ali
Fund. He raised a
huge £4,050.
His bravery and
earned him the
Child of Courage
Award aged 12 at
the 2004 Pride of
Britain Awards.
Cornel, 27, is
now married to
Jasmine, 30. He
got a Master’s
Degree in
Philosophy and Theology at
Oxford and is a talented
drummer and bassist.
“I also run my own charity
helping disabled people in
Romania,” he smiles. “I’m an
employment advisor, helping
disabled people get jobs, I
want to help people.
“The Pride of Britain is still
something I’m very proud of.”
told at least one customer to stop
texting before closing the pub.
Stock was removed from the bar
and flower boxes also taken away.
One local said: “The ban on
phones was known about but
was never enforced as the
staff accepted punters
had to have phones.
“As for the swearing,
unfortunately there is a
lot to swear about.”
Mr Smith is said to
regularly turn up incog-
nito to check up on staff.
No one at the brewery based in
Tadcaster, North Yorks, was
available for comment.
[email protected]
Cornel & Jasmine
Brewery also barred mobile phones
BOSSES have shut down a pub
because punters were swearing
and using mobile phones.
Officials from Samuel Smith’s
brewery had imposed a ban
in March on phones in an
attempt to have more
“social conversation”.
Owner Humphrey
Smith, 74, also
outlawed the F-word at
all his 300 pubs in 2017,
and ditched jukeboxes,
slot machines and TVs.
But locals were caught out at the
19th century Cheshire Midland in
Hale, Altrincham, Gtr Manchester,
during a spot-check.
Two representatives allegedly
SHUT The Cheshire
Last orders at
pub with ban
on swearing

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