Model Airplane International – August 2019

(backadmin) #1


Issue 169 - 41

Happy that they were set, the joints could once
again be corrected with Mr. Surfacer 500, any
excess being removed with Mr. Color Thinner
and a cotton bud.
As mentioned earlier, surface detail is really
very good, but there is that issue of faded
features and that’s where we need to go next.
The most obvious of these are the runs of
rivets/fasteners that drop down the wing to
fuselage illets and seem to suddenly stop with
around half a dozen still to go! Here, these
features are replicated with small holes, so a
similarly sized drill bit very carefully twisted
into the plastic, will replicate the missing detail.
Take your time though as you only want to
drill out holes to match those moulded into
the kit’s surface, not pass right through the
plastic! Having completed this part of the build,
I decided to complete the surface with rivets,
added using an RB Productions Rivet R. This
was done using the box art as a guide as well
as some common sense, all of the rivets being
engraved into place freehand without the use
of additional guides. That done, attention could
turn to painting as seen in the accompanying
The kit includes decals and painting

Close-up of the cockpit interior showing
the chipping in place.

The completion of the cockpit ‘tub’ begins by joining the
instrument panel/bulkhead to the port sidewall...

...And then adding the underseat framework, control column
and rudder pedals.

The starboard sidewall can then be glued in place.
Free download pdf