Golf Monthly UK – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Richard has good angles in his
mid-section at set-up with no hint
of slumping over the ball, one of the
big things I see when teaching. His back
is nice and straight. His left foot is
opened up a little, ready to assist the hip
turn on the through-swing.


A strong turning motion with a
very stable lower half – the hips
have only moved a little bit and I
like the way the arms and body keep
pace. You often find the arms zip away
and the body doesn’t quite link up in the
turn. His sequencing is excellent.


The club stops short of parallel,
but there’s a big textbook
shoulder turn with his left arm in
line with his shoulder – always a good
position to aspire to. Down the line you
can see that his left heel is slightly up off
the ground to help facilitate his coil.

Richard McEvoy

Analysis by Top 25 Coach Barney Puttick


Kevin Murray

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