Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1
Fotos: marekuliasz, Franck Boston/

44 Spotlight 1/2020 LANGUAGE

Joe, John, Jane... and Fred
Many languages have a name for “the typical
man (or woman) in the street”. In everyday
US English, he’s the “average Joe”. In the UK,
he’s known as “Joe Public”, “Joe Bloggs” or
“Fred Bloggs”.
In a more formal context, for example when
referring to an unidentified dead body,
Americans use the names of John Doe
and his female equivalent Jane Doe. Other
placeholder names in the US include: John
/ Jane Q. Public, John / Jane Q. Citizen and
John / Jane Q. Taxpayer. The “Q.” probably
stands for the Latin word quisquam, which
means “anyone”.

Idioms with surnames
“Hobson’s choice” is a choice whereby only one thing is really
offered. You can either take it or leave it. The phrase is said to
refer to a stable owner in Cambridge called Hobson, who offered
customers the choice of taking the horse in the end stall or no
horse at all.

If your neighbours have an expensive new car, perhaps you feel
you should have one, too. This syndrome is known as “keeping
up with the Joneses”. Nowadays, of course, it’s the lifestyles of
the stars in Los Angeles that people aspire to — as is reflected in
the name of the US reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

If something is described as “the real McCoy”, it’s the real thing
or the genuine article. There are many different stories about the
origin of this phrase, but, ironically, no one knows whether the
original Mr McCoy was real or not.

“Murphy’s Law” states that “if anything can go wrong, it will go
wrong”. It’s how the universe works against you. It makes your
toast fall with the buttered side down, for example, or it makes
you always choose the slowest queue in the supermarket.

  1. Which name?

Choose the right first names to complete the following

A. Money is tight at the moment. I’m having to rob
to pay.

B. My dad worked in a lot of different jobs. He was a
of all trades.

C. A New York hospital needs help to identify a female
patient, known only as Doe, who has
lost her memory.

D. Do I want to take a pay cut? No way,!

E. There’s a guy in my team at work who thinks he
knows everything. He’s a real smart.


Which name


eter, Paul






aspire to sth. [E(spaIE tE]
, etw. anstreben, sich
nach etw. sehnen

dead body [ded (bQdi]
, Leiche

stable owner
[(steIb&l )EUnE]
, Stallbesitzer(in)
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