
(Kiana) #1
Motivation and Emotion 387

Chapter Summary

Understanding Motivation

9.1 Distinguish between intrinsic motivation and
extrinsic motivation.

  • Motivation is the process by which activities are started, directed,
    and sustained so that physical and psychological needs are

  • Intrinsic motivation occurs when people act because the act itself
    is satisfying or rewarding, whereas extrinsic motivation occurs
    when people receive an external reward (such as money) for the

9.2 Identify the key elements of the early instinct and
drive-reduction approaches to motivation.

  • Instinct approaches proposed that some human actions may be
    motivated by instincts, which are innate patterns of behavior
    found in both people and animals.

    • Drive-reduction approaches state that when an organism has a
      need (such as hunger), the need leads to psychological tension
      that motivates the organism to act, fulfilling the need and reduc-
      ing the tension.

    • Primary drives involve needs of the body, whereas acquired (sec-
      ondary) drives are those learned through experience. Homeostasis
      is the tendency of the body to maintain a steady state.
      9.3 Explain the characteristics of the three types of

    • The need for affiliation is the desire to have friendly social inter-
      actions and relationships with others as well as the desire to be
      held in high regard by others.

    • The need for power concerns having control over others, influ-
      encing them, and having an impact on them. Status and prestige
      are important to people high in this need.

lives as well. Take some time now and investigate available strategies that will help you get
organized and stay on track to meet your obligations in a timely manner. If you do, the next
time you find that motivation and emotion are not enough to prompt you to get what you
need done taken care of, you’ll be glad you did.

Questions for Further Discussion

  1. Aside from having a bunch of “lists” and possibly getting things done, what might be
    some specific personal benefits to keeping track of tasks and projects you have com-
    mitted to?

  2. What sort of personal barriers or roadblocks might you have to using a time- or
    task-management system?


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