
(Kiana) #1


Anorexia nervosa (anorexia), 371, 567
deep brain stimulation for, 622
ANS. See Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Antagonists, 51
drugs as, 54
Antecedent stimuli, 189
Anterograde amnesia, 235, 257–258, 620
Antianxiety drugs, 54, 616, 617
Antidepressant drugs, 599, 617–619
Antimanic drugs, 616
Antipsychotic drugs, 615–617
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), 577
Anvil (incus), 108
Anxiety, 375, 551
basic, 512
castration, 510
free-floating, 553
moral, 508
separation, 332
stranger, 332
test, 553, 580–581
Anxiety disorders, 550, 553–558
causes of, 557–558
cultural variations, 558
free-floating anxiety, 553
generalized anxiety disorder, 554–555
in DSM-5, 553, 555
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 553,
555–556, 558
panic disorder, 554
phobic disorders, 553–554
APA. See American Psychological Association (APA)
Aphasia, 81
Broca’s, 81
Wernicke’s, 81
Apparent distance hypothesis, 127
Applewhite, Marshall, 470, 471
Applied behavior analysis (ABA), 204, 597
Applied psychology
defined, B-2
reasons to study, B1–B14
Applied questions, PIA-12
Applied research, 16
Approach-approach conflict, 429, 430
Approach-avoidance conflict, 429–430
Aqueous humor, 99
Arbitrary inference, 601
Archetypes, 511
Aristotle, 5
Arkowitz, Hal, 593
Army Alpha and Army Beta tests, B-11
Arousal approaches to motivation, 360–363
Arousal theory, 361–362
Artificial intelligence (AI), 225
Asch, Solomon, 460–461, 466
ASD. See Acute stress disorder (ASD); Autism
spectrum disorder (ASD)
ASPD. See Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
Assimilation, 326, 444
Association areas of the cortex, 79, 80–81
Association cortex, 78
Ataque de nervios, 558
Athletes, college test performance and, 34
Athletics, concussion and, 288
Ativan, 166, 171, 617
Atmospheric perspective, 123–124
Attachment, 332–333
influences on, 333
styles of, 332–333
Attention, in observational learning, 215
Attention deficit disorder (ADD), 87
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
87–88, 564–565
Attenuation, 230
Attitudes, 471–474
ABC model of, 472–473

affective component, 472
and behavior clash, 475–477
behavior component, 472
change in (persuasion), 474–475
cognitive component, 473
defined, 471
formation of, 473–474
Attraction. See Interpersonal attraction
Attribution, 478–481
defined, 479
dispositional, 479
fundamental attribution error, 479–481
impression formation and, 477
situational, 479
Attribution theory, 479
Atypical antipsychotics, 615–616
Auditory association area, 79
Auditory canal, 108
Auditory nerve, 108, 109
Authenticity, 593
Authoritarian parenting, 345
Authoritative parenting, 346
Autism, 204
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 47, 326, 330–331
Autobiographical memory, 259, 330
Autogenic training, B-12
Autokinetic effect, 127
Automatic encoding, 244–245
Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 56, 59–60
emotion and, 378
parasympathetic division, 60, 61–62
stress and, 432
sympathetic division, 60–61
Autonomy, 365
Autosomes, 314
Availability heuristic, 272–273
Aversion therapy, 597–598
Avoidance-avoidance conflict, 429, 430
Avoidant attachment, 332
Axon, 46–47
Axon hillock, 48
Axon terminals, 47

Babbling, 300
Bachelor’s degree in psychology, careers with, B-5
Bailes, Shelly, 410
Bailey, J. Michael, 412
Balance, sense of, 119
Bandura, Albert, 213–215, 493, 515–517, 599
Barbiturates, 166, 171
Bard, Philip, 379
Bargaining, death and dying and, 347
Bartlett, Sir Frederic, 246
Basal ganglia, 75
Basal metabolic rate (BMR), 369–370
Basic research, 16
Basic suggestion effect, 158
Basilar membrane, 108, 109
Baumrind, Diana, 345
Beck, Aaron T., 601–602
Beckham, Albert Sidney, 7
Behavior, 4
adaptive, 288
attitudes and, 471, 472–473, 475–477
attribution and, 479
case studies, 24
causes of, 479
dispositional cause of, 479
effect of consequences on, 189
of emotion, 376–377
helping, 496–497
laboratory observation, 23–24
maladaptive, 544, 545
naturalistic observation, 23

observable, 9
prosocial, 494
situational cause of, 479
surveys, 24–26
Behavioral assessments, 532, 534–535
Behavioral explanations for dissociative
disorders,  561
Behavioral factors, in anxiety, trauma, and stress
disorders, 557–558
Behavioral genetics, 313, 526–528
Behavioral neuroscience, 13, 46, B6
Behavioral perspective, 12
Behavioral symptoms, of test anxiety, 580
Behavior component, of attitudes, 472
Behaviorism, 9–10
disordered behavior and, 547
Behaviorist perspective, 515–517
Behaviorists, 515
Behavior modification, 203–205, 597
Behavior therapies, 10, 596–601
applied behavior analysis (behavior
modification), 597
aversion therapy, 597–598
behavioral activation, 600
characteristics of, 604
classical conditioning, therapies based on,
evaluation of, 600–601
exposure therapies, 598–599
extinction, 600
flooding, 598
modeling, 599
operant conditioning, therapies based on,
reinforcement, 600
systematic desensitization, 597
Bell curve, A-4, A-9
The Bell Curve (Herrnstein & Murray), 295–296
Belongingness, 364
Belsky, Jay, 333
Bem, Daryl, 477
Bem, Sandra, 401
Benevolent sexism, 400
Benson, Herbert, 450
Benzodiazepines, 54, 166, 171, 617, 618
Beta waves, 145
Bethlehem Hospital (Bedlam), 588
actor-observer, 479–480
confirmation, 21, 274–275
courtesy, 25
hindsight, 246
observer, 23, 534
Big Five theory of personality, 523–524
biological basis of, 537–538
Bilateral anterior cingulotomy, 621
Bimodal distribution, A-5, A-7
Binet, Alfred, 282–283
Binge drinking, 166
Binge-eating disorder, 371, 567, 568
Binocular cues, 123, 125
Binocular disparity, 125
Biofeedback, 205
Biological constraints, on operant conditioning,
Biological explanations of mood disorders, 565–566
Biological influences
on aggression, 491–492
on anxiety, trauma, and stress disorders, 558
Big Five theory of personality and, 538
on conditioning, 186
on gender, 397–398
on gender identity, 397–398
on schizophrenia, 574–576
on sexual orientation, 410–412
Biological model of abnormality, 547

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