
(Kiana) #1


Health psychology, B7
stress and, 437–438
Hearing, 95, 107–110
development of, 323–325
frequency, 107, 109
impairments, 110
inner ear, 108–109
middle ear, 108
outer ear, 108
pitch, 107, 109
sound, perception of, 107–109
structure of the ear, 108–109
timbre, 108
Heart disease. See also Coronary heart disease (CHD)
stress and, 435
Heaven’s Gate cult, 470
Heider, Fritz, 479
Helping behavior, decision points in, 496–497
Hematophobia, 553
Herd immunity, 338
Henning, Hans, 113
Heritability, 293, 528
of intelligence, 294
of personality, 528
Hermann grid, 126
Heroin, 168
Hertz (Hz), 108
Heterosexuality, 409, 410
Heuristics, 272–273
Hidden observer, hypnosis and, 160
Hierarchy of fears, 597
Hierarchy of needs, 363–365
High blood pressure, stress and, 434
Higher-order conditioning, 183
Hilgard, Ernest, 160
Hindbrain, 73–75
cerebellum, 74, 75
medulla, 73
pons, 74
reticular formation, 74–75
Hindsight bias, 246
Hindus, view on death, 349
Hippocampus, 58, 74, 76–77
exercise and, 306
memory and, 256
PTSD and, 557
Hippocrates, 544
Hirsch, Alan, 111
Histogram, A-3
Histrionic personality disorder, 577
Hitler, Adolf, 313
HIV. See Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Hofstede, Geert, 528–529
Holophrases, 300
Homeostasis, 47, 357
Homosexuality, 409, 410, 411
Hormones, 61, 63–65
exposure to androgens during pregnancy, 397–398
hunger and, 368–369
immune system, stress, and, 434
Horney, Karen, 8, 512
Hostility, coronary heart disease and, 441–442
Howard, Ruth, 7
Hubel, David, 126
Human development. See also Adolescence;
Adulthood; Infancy and childhood development
defined, 312
issues in studying, 312–314
prenatal, 318–321
Human factors engineer, B-10
Human factors psychology, B-10–B-11
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 414–416
in Russia, 417
social support and, 451
stress and, 437
Humanistic approaches to motivation, 363–366

Humanistic perspective on personality, 12, 518–520
Humanistic therapy, 592–595
characteristics of, 604
evaluation of, 594–595
Gestalt therapy, 7–8, 594, 604, 605
person-centered (Rogers), 592–594
Human Sexual Response (Masters & Johnson), 405–406
Human subjects, research on, 35–36
Humor, coping and, 449–450
Humors, 544
Hunger, 368–372
cultural factors/gender, 371
maladaptive eating problems, 371
obesity and, 371–372
physiological components of, 368–371
social components of, 370–371
Huntington disease, 52
Hurricane Katrina, 245, 424, 556
Hurricane Sandy, 424
Hyperopia, 99
Hyperthymesia, 251
Hypnic jerk, 146
Hypnogogic hallucination, 146, 172
Hypnogogic images, 146
Hypnopompic hallucination, 172
Hypnosis, 158–160, 513
basic suggestion effect, 158
consciousness and, 158
defined, 158
as dissociation, 159–160
facts about, 159
hidden observer, 160
how it works, 158–159
hypnotic induction, steps in, 158
hypnotic susceptibility, 158
memory retrieval and, 246–247
social-cognitive theory of, 160
as social role-playing, 159, 160
theories of, 159–160
Hypoglycemia, 66
Hypomania, 564
Hypothalamus, 74, 76, 77
hunger and, 369
sleep and, 141–142
Hypothesis, 20–21
testing, 21

IAT. See Implicit Association Test (IAT)
ICD. See International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Iconic sensory memory, 228–229
Id, 507–508
Ideal self, 519, 592
Identification, 485, 509
Identity. See Dissociative disorders
Identity vs. role confusion, adolescents and, 340–341
IEDs. See Improvised explosive devices (IEDs)
Ikeda, Kikunae, 113
Illness, stress and duration of, 434
Illusions, 121–123, 125–129, 131–132
defined, 125
Imagery, B12
Imaginal exposure therapies, 598–599
Imaginary audience, 339
Imipramine (Tofranil), 618
Imitation, observational learning and, 215
Immune system
defined, 433
exercise and, 443
schizophrenia and, 575
stress and, 433–437
Immunity, herd, 338
autism and, 337–338
facts and myths about, 337–338

Implicit Association Test (IAT), 478
Implicit learning, 513
Implicit memory, 234, 235, 513
Implicit personality theories, 478
Impression formation, 477–478
Incentive approaches to motivation, 362–363
Incentives, defined, 362
Independent variable, 29
Individualistic cultures, 528
compliance and, 466
display rules and, 377
fundamental attribution error and, 479
needs and, 366
Industrial/organization (I/O) psychology, 7, B9
areas in, B9
Infancy and childhood development, 322–334. See
also Children; Infants
accommodation, 326
assimilation, 326
attachment, 332–334
autonomy vs. shame and doubt, 335
brain development, 323
cognitive development, 326–331
concrete operations stage, 327, 329
Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development,  335
formal operations stage, 327, 329
gender role development, 399–402
immunizations, 337–338
industry vs. inferiority, 335
initiative vs. guilt, 335
language development, 330
motor development, 323
physical development, 322–325
Piaget’s theory, 326–329
preoperational stage, 327–329
psychosocial development, 331–335
reflexes, 322–323
self-concept development, 334
sensorimotor stage, 326, 327
sensory development, 323–325
temperament, 331–332
trust vs. mistrust, 335
Vygotsky’s theory, 329–330
zone of proximal development (ZPD), 330
Infantile amnesia, 259
REM sleep in, 148
sleep patterns in, 143
Inferential statistics, A9–A12
Infidelity, sexual vs. emotional, 15
Informational social influence, 462, 463
Information-processing model, 224, 227–238
Informed consent, 36
In-groups, 483, 484
Inhibitory synapses, 51
Inner ear, 108–109
Insanity, 546
Insanity defense, 546
Insight, 210, 273–274
Insight therapies, 589, 590–595
Insomnia, 150
Instagram, 488
Instinctive drift, 203
Instincts, 357
Institutional review boards, 35
Instrument tuning, 230
Insula, 113
Insulin, 66, 368–369, 371
Integration, 444
Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental
disorder), 288–293, 549
causes of, 289–290
defined, 288
diagnosis of, 289
Down syndrome, 289
fetal alcohol syndrome, 289

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