
(Kiana) #1


Long, Howard Hale, 7
Long, Karawynn, 216–217
Longitudinal design, 312, 313
Long-term memory (LTM), 233–238
constructive processing of memories, 245–246
declarative memory, 234, 235–237
defined, 233
elaborative rehearsal, 234
encoding, 240, 244
flashbulb memories, 245
nondeclarative, 234–235
organization of, 237–238
recall, 241–242
recognition, 241, 242–244
reconstructive nature of, 245–248
retrieval, 241–244
retrieval problems, 246–248
Long-term potentiation, 256
Lorenz, Konrad, 491
Lovaas, O. Ivar, 204
companionate, 490
components of, 489
consummate, 490
love triangles, 489–490
romantic, 490
triangular theory of, 489–490
Love-bombing, 470
Love needs, 364
Love triangles, 489–490
Lowball technique, 465–466
LPC. See Licensed professional counselor (LPC)
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 169
LTM. See Long-term memory (LTM)
Lupus, 451
Luria, A. R., 252

Macknik, Stephen L., 131
Magic, neuroscience of, 131–132
Magical number seven, 231–232
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 12, 69–70, 621
Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 71
Magnification, 557, 602
Maier, Steven F., 210
Maintenance rehearsal, 232
Major depressive disorder, 47, 563–565
Major life changes, as stressors, 424–426
Major tranquilizers, 166, 171
Maladaptive behavior, 601
Maladaptive eating problems. See Eating disorders
Male gender stereotypes, 400
Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, 570
Male primary sex characteristics, 392
Male secondary sex characteristics, 393
Male sexual-response cycle, 405
Mammary glands, 393
Management theory
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and, 363–365
psychology and, B-11
Manic episodes, 564
Manifest content of dreams, 154, 591
MAOIs. See Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
Marginalized, 445
Marijuana, 169–170
Marriage, as social support, 451
Martin, Trayvon, 483
Martinez-Conde, Susanna, 131–132
Masculine cultures, 529
Masking, 229
Maslow, Abraham, 12, 363–365, 518, 520, B-10
Mass media, attitude formation and, 474
Massed practice, 252
Master gland (pituitary gland), 64–65
Masters, William, 404–407

Master’s degree in psychology, careers with, B-4
Math, sex differences in, 402
Maturation, 178
Mayer, John, 292
Mayo, Elton, B-11
Mazes, 208–209
MBTI. See Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
McClelland, David C., 359
McCrae, Robert, 524
McDougall, William, 357
McGregor, Douglas, B-10
MDMA (Ectasy, X), 169
Mean, 284, A-5–A-6
Measures of central tendency, A-2, A-5–A-7
Measures of variability, A2, A-7–A-9
Mechanical solutions, 271–272
Media, aggression and violence in, 493–494
Median, A-6
Medical model, 544
Meditation, 450
Medium, 475
Medulla, 73
MEG. See Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Melatonin, 66, 141
Melzack, Ronald, 117
Memorization, PIA-12
Memory, 222–259
age-related changes in, 344
autobiographical, 236, 259, 330
brain and, 255–257
capacity, 231–232
consolidation, 256, 257, 261
declarative, 76–77, 235–236
defined, 224
echoic, 229
encoding, 224
episodic, 235–236
explicit, 235, 236, 259
forgetting, 251–254
hippocampus and, 255–257
hypnosis and recovery of, 158–160
iconic, 228–229
implicit, 234–235, 236, 259, 513
information-processing model, 227–238
levels-of-processing model, 225
long-term (LTM), 233–238, 239–248
models of, 224–226
neural activity and structure in formation of, 256
neuroscience of, 255–259
nondeclarative, 234, 235–236
observational learning and, 213
parallel distributed processing (PDP) model,
225, 237
photographic, 229
reliability of, 245–248
REM sleep and formation of, 148
retrieval, 224, 239–248
semantic, 235, 236
sensory, 227–230
short-term (STM), 230–233
sleep, exercise and diet and, 260–261
sleep and formation of, 144
storage, 224
strategies for improving, PIA-15–PIA-16
three-stage process of, 227
working, 231, 233, 281, 306
Memory retrieval problems, 246–248
Memory trace decay theory, 253–254
Men. See also under Gender; Male
sexual behavior of, 408
Menarche, 392
Menopause, 343
Menstrual cycle, 339, 343, 392
Mental ability test, 282
Mental age, 282
Mental exercises, for cognitive health, 305–306

Mental illness, 546, 548, 550
Mental imagery, 268–269
Mental processes, 4
Mental rehearsal, B-12
Mental retardation, 288, 289
Mental rotation experiment, 269
Mental sets, 273, 274
Mere exposure effect, 488
Message, 474
Metabolism, 369, 372
Methadone, 168
Methamphetamine, 163, 171
Meyer, Adolph, 592
MI. See Motivational interviewing (MI)
Microsaccades, 96, 128, 229
Microsleeps, 143
Middle age, 343–344
Middle ear, 108
Milgram, Stanley, 466–468
applied psychology and, B-8
Milk letdown reflex, 65
Miller, George, 231
Miller, William R., 593
Mind mapping, 276
Minimization, 558, 602
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
(MMPI), 441
Minor tranquilizers, 166, 171
Mirror neurons, 79, 215
Miscarriage, 321
Mischel, Walter, 524
Misinformation effect, 246
Mitosis, 318
MMPI. See Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI)
MMPI-2. See Multiphasic Personality Inventory,
Version II (MMPI-2)
Mnemonic, 242, PIA-15
Mnemonist, 252
Mode, A-7
Modeling, 599–600
participant, 599–600
Molaison, Henry Gustav, 256
Moniz, Antonio Egas, 620
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), 617
Monochrome color blindness, 105
Monocular cues, 123–125
Monosodium glutamate (MSG), 113
Monozygotic twins, 318
Mood, helping behavior and, 497
Mood disorders, 563–566
and DSM-5, 563
biological explanations of, 565–566
bipolar disorders, 564–565
causes of, 565–566
defined, 563
genetics of, 566
major depressive disorder, 563–564
Mood-stabilizing drugs, 617
Moon illusion, 127
Moral anxiety, 508
Moral development, adolescence and, 340
Moral dilemma, example of, 340
Morality, levels of, 340
Moro reflex, 323
Morphemes, 298
Morphine, 53, 168
Mortality, dealing with, 346
Motion, illusions of, 127–128
Motion parallax, 124
Motion sickness, 119
Motivation, 354–365
arousal approaches, 360–362
defined, 356
drive-reduction approaches, 357–358

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