
(Kiana) #1


Psychology (continued)
clinical, B-5–B-6
cognitive, 8, 10, 12
community, B-9
comparative, B-7
consumer, 464
counseling, B-6
cultural, 13
defined, 4
developmental, B-6
education and, B-7–B-8
environmental, B-9
experimental, B-6
field of, 4
forensic, B-1, B-9
Gestalt, 7–8
goals of, 19–20
health, B-7
history of, 4–10
human factors, B-10–B-11
industrial/organization (I/O), B-10
interaction with other fields, B-7–B-9
law and, B-8–D-9
military and, B-8
modern perspectives, 11–15
neuropsychology, B-6–B-7
personality, B-6
physiological, B-6
positive, 210, 520
school, B-7–B-8
science of, 2–43
scientific method, 4, 18–32
social, 13, B-6
sports, B-8, B-12–B-13
work and, B-10–B-11
work settings/subfields of, 15–16
Psychology and Industrial Efficiency (Munsterberg),
Psychology student’s syndrome, 551, 580
Psychoneuroimmunology, 433
Psychopathology, 544
personality and, 528
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (Freud), 506
Psychopharmacology, 615–619
antianxiety drugs, 617, 616
antidepressant drugs, 617–620, 616
antimanic drugs, 616
antipsychotic drugs, 615–617
defined, 615
mood-stabilizing drugs, 617
types of drugs used in, 599
Psychosexual stages of personality development,
Psychosocial development
adolescence, 338–341
adulthood, 342–348
infancy and childhood development, 331–335
Psychosurgery, 620–621
Psychotherapy, 9, 588
characteristics of, 604
cultural, ethnic and gender concerns in,
cybertherapy, 608
effectiveness, studies of, 608–609
effective therapy, characteristics of, 609–612
neuroimaging, 610
Psychotic disorder, 572
Psy. D degree, B-3
Ptolemy, 127
PTSD. See Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Puberty, 338–339, 392, 393, 511
Punishment, 196–200
by application, 197
consistent, 199
defining, 196–198
making more effective, 199

problems with, 198–199
by removal, 197, 198, 199
Pupil, 99
Puzzle box, 188–189

Quillian, M. Ross, 237

Raccoons, operating conditioning used on,
Race, 295. See also Prejudice
electroconvulsive therapy and, 619–620
helping behavior and, 497
Ramachandran, V. S., 81
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 46
Random assignment, 30
Randomization, 30
Range, A-7
Rapid eye movement. See under REM (rapid eye
Rapid-smoking technique, 597
RAS. See Reticular activating system (RAS)
Rat brain, 78
Ratey, John, 306
Rating scale, 532
Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), 603
characteristics of, 604
Rationalization, 463, 509
Rational therapy, 574
Ratio schedule, 195–196
Rats, latent learning in, 208–209
Rayner, Rosalie, 9
Reaction formation, 509
Realistic conflict theory of prejudice, 484
Reality principle, 508
Real self, 519, 592
REBT. See Rational emotive behavior
therapy (REBT)
Recall, 241–243
Recency effect, 241
Receptive-productive lag, 299
Receptor sites, 51
Recessive genes, 105, 315–316
Reciprocal determinism, 515, 516
Reciprocity of liking, 488
Recognition, 241, 242–243
Red-green color deficiency, 105
Reflection, 593
Reflex, 9, 179, 322–323
Reflex arc, 57
Refractory period, 405
Regression, 448, 509
Reilly, Donald, 402, 442
Reinforcement, 189–192
contingency contracting, 600
negative, 162, 192
positive, 163, 192
schedules of, 192–196
token economies, 600
Reinforcement value, 517
Reinforcers, 182, 189–190
primary, 189–190
secondary, 189–190
Relatedness, 365
forming, 344–345
between men and women, 16–17
Relative size, 123, 124
Relaxation, 450
Relaxation training, B-12
of assessment, 284, 536
of memory, 251–254

coping and, 452–453
prejudice and, 483
REM (rapid eye movement) behavior disorder,
REM (rapid eye movement) myth, 148
REM (rapid eye movement) rebound, 148
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, 146–148
behavior disorder, 148–149
dreams and, 147
purpose of, 147–148
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS),
68, 621, 622
Replicating research, 22
Reporting results, 21–22
Representativeness heuristic, 272–273
Representative sample, 24
Repression, 9, 257, 506, 509, 561
Rescorla, Robert, 183
Research. See also Scientific method
applied, 16
basic, 16
cross-cultural, 13
Internet and, PIA-17
psychological, 35–37
split-brain, 82–84
Research designs, 312, 313
cross-sectional design, 312, 313
cross-sequential design, 312, 313
longitudinal design, 312, 313
Resistance, 591
Resistance stage, 432
Resolution phase, 404–405
Response, 179
Resting potential, 48
Restorative theory of sleep, 144
Reticular activating system (RAS), 74
Reticular formation (RF), 74–75
Retina, 99
division of, 100–102
parts of, 99
Retrieval, 224, 239–248
constructive processing view of, 245–246
reconstructive nature of, 245–248
Retrieval cues, 234, 239–240
Retrieval problems, 246–248
Retroactive interference, 254
Retrograde amnesia, 257
Reuptake, 53–54
Reversible figures, 122
Reward pathway, 162
RF. See Reticular formation (RF)
Right hemisphere, 82–84
Rioting, 483–484
Rituals/rites, 452–453
Road rage, 443
“Robber’s Cave” study, 486
Robinson, F. P., PIA-8
Rods, 100–101
Rogers, Carl, 12, 518–520, 592–593
Rohypnol, 166
Romantic love, 490
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 520
Rooting reflex, 323
Rorschach, Hermann, 535–536
Rorschach inkblots, 535–536
Rosch-Heider, Eleanor, 301
Rosenhan, David, 551
Rosenman, Ray, 440
Rosenthal, Robert, 32
Rotating Snakes illusion, 127
Rote learning, 233
Rotter, Julian, 516–517
Rouge test, 334
rTMS. See Repetitive transcranial magnetic
stimulation (rTMS)

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