
(Kiana) #1


Russia, AIDS epidemic in, 417
Rutherford, Ernest, 109
Ryan, Richard, 365

Sacks, Oliver, 79
SAD. See Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Safety needs, 364
Salovey, Peter, 292
Sample, A3
representative, 24
Sanchez, George (Jorge), 7
Sapir, Edward, 301
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 301
SARIs. See Serotonin antagonist/reuptake
inhibitors (SARIs)
Saturation, 98
Scaffolding, 330
Scapegoating/scapegoats, 429, 483–484
Scatterplots, 28
Schachter, Stanley, 381, 382
Schachter-Singer cognitive arousal theory of
emotion, 381, 383
Schedules of reinforcement, 192–196
Schema, 271, 298, 478
Schemes, 326
gender schema theory and, 400
Schizophrenia, 572–576
brain imaging and, 70
catatonic, 573
categorization of, 551
causes of, 573–575
cognitive exercises and, 305–306
defined, 572
delusions, 572
development of, 14
drug treatment of, 616–617
electroconvulsive therapy for, 619–620
genetics and, 14, 574–575
glial cells and, 47
hallucinations, 573
negative symptoms, 573
occurrence of, 545
positive symptoms, 573
psychotherapy for, 602
stress-vulnerability model, 575
symptoms, 572–573
School psychology, B8
School shootings, 493
Schwann cells, 47
Science, sex differences in, 402
Scientific method, 4, 20–32
correlations, 26–27
descriptive methods, 23–26
experiment, 28–32
five steps of, 20–22
Scott, Walter D., B11
Scripts, 271
Scrotum, 392
SD. See Standard deviation (SD)
SDT. See Self-determination theory (SDT)
Sears, Robert, 291
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 564
Secondary appraisal, 438
Secondary drives, 357
Secondary reinforcer, 190
Secondary sex characteristics, 392–393
Secular trend, 392
Secure attachment, 332
Seeing. See also Sight
science of, 97–105
Segall, Marshall, 127
Selection, for experiment, 28
Selective attention, 230–231
Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs), 618

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 54,
569, 618
Selective thinking, 601
Self, 519
ideal and real, in Roger’s theory, 519
intelligence and sense of, 290
Self-actualization, 12, 363–365
Self-actualizing tendency, 518
Self-concept, 334, 519
Self-consciousness, adolescence and, 339–340
Self-determination theory (SDT), 365–366
Self-efficacy, 515–516
Self-esteem, 360, 516
Self-fulfilling prophecy, 486
Self-help groups, 606
Self-perception theory, 477
Self-theory of motivation, 359–360
Seligman, Martin, 208, 210–212, 443
Selye, Hans, 422–424
Semantic memory, 235
brain and, 255, 256
Semantic network model, 237
Semantics, 299
Semicircular canals, 119
Semipermeable membrane, 48
Senile dementia, 257
Sensate focus, 571
absolute threshold, 95
chemical senses, 111–115
defined, 94
difference threshold, 94–95
habituation, 96
hearing, 107–110
just noticeable differences (jnd), 94–95
olfaction, 114–115
sensory adaptation, 96
sight, 97–105
signal detection theory, 96
somesthetic senses, 116–118
subliminal perception, 95
synesthesia, 94
taste, 111–114
transduction, 94
Sensation seeker, 361
Sensing/intution (S/N), 534
Sensorimotor stage of cognitive development,
Sensory adaptation, 96
Sensory conflict theory, 119
Sensory development, infancy and childhood
development, 323–326
Sensory memory, 227–230
echoic, 229–230
iconic, 228–229
Sensory pathway, 59
Sensory receptors, 94
Sensory thresholds, 94–96
Separation, 444–445
Separation anxiety, 332
September 11, 2001 attacks, 245, 423, 452, 484
Serial position effect, 241
Serotonin antagonist/reuptake inhibitors
(SARIs),  618
Serotonin (5-HT), 52, 54, 306
aggression and, 491
drugs and, 54
MDMA and, 169
mood disorders and, 565–566
sleep and, 141–142
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
(SNRIs), 618
Serotonin partial agonist/reuptake inhibitors
(SPARIs), 618
Sertraline (Zoloft), 618
Sex chromosomes, 314

Sex differences, in science and math, 402
Sexism, 400
Sex-linked inheritance, 105
Sexting, 413–414
Sexual behavior, 404–412
types of, 406–409
Sexual behavior surveys
explaining findings, 408–409
Janus, 407
Kinsey, 406–407
National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
(NSSHB), 407–408
Sexual characteristics
development of, 393–394
primary, 392
secondary, 392–393
Sexual content, in dreams, 156
Sexual desire/arousal disorders, 570
Sexual dysfunction/problems, 570–571
causes and influences, 571
prevalence of, 570
treatment, 571
female primary sex characteristics, 392
female secondary sex characteristics, 392
male primary sex characteristics, 392
male secondary sex characteristics, 393
physical side of, 392–394
primary sex characteristics, 392–393
psychological side of, 395–402
secondary sex characteristics, 392–393
sexual behavior, 404–412
sexual dysfunction, 570–571
sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 414–416
sexual orientation, 409–412
sexual response, 404–406
types of sexual behavior, 406–409
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 414–416
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome),
414, 415–416
chlamydia, 414, 415
genital herpes, 414
genital warts, 414
gonorrhea, 414
syphilis, 414
Sexual orientation, 14, 409–412
bisexual, 410, 411
categories, 409–410
defined, 409
development of, 410–412
heterosexual, 409, 410
homosexual, 408, 409, 410
Sexual response, 404–406
excitement, 404
observational study of, 405–406
orgasm, 404
plateau, 404
resolution, 404–405
s factor (specific intelligence), 278
Shadow, 511
Shape constancy, 121
Shaping, 201–202, 217–218
Sheep brain, 78
Sherif, Muzafer, 460
Sherlin, Leslie, 147
Shock experiment, Milgram’s, 466–468
Short-term memory (STM), 227, 230–233
brain and, 256
capacity, 231–232
chunking, 232
defined, 230
encoding, 231
interference in, 232–233
maintenance rehearsal, 232
selective attention, 230–231
working memory, 231

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