
(vip2019) #1


An angle is a measure of an amount of turn, or rotation,
from one direction to another. It is also the difference in
direction between two lines meeting at a point.

Describing angles
An angle is made of three parts:
two lines, called arms, and a
vertex, where the arms meet.
We show the angle by drawing
a curved line, or arc, between
the arms. The size of the angle is
written inside or next to the arc.

Let's look at some
lines turning round a
centre point. As they turn,
they create angles.

One end of the
green line has
stayed still at the
centre, while the
other end has
started to turn.

If the purple
line turns to
here, it has turned
one quarter of
the way from
where it started.
We call this a
quarter turn.
If we keep
turning the
line round the
centre, it will arrive
back where it started
from, like the red line.
This is a full turn.

Lines begin turning
from here

The blue line has turned
half way round from
where it started, making a
straight line. We call this a
half turn.





An angle is a measure
of the amount that
something has turned
around a fixed point.



230_231_What_is_an_Angle.indd 230 29/02/2016 18:05

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