Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


Vital Statistics

Block size: 12 ̋ finished, 121/2 ̋

Drafting category: 8-pointed star

Grid dimension: N/A

Number of pieces: 73

It is important that you create high
contrast between the two colors that
create the interlocking squares to
enhance the interlocking pattern. I
have included an additional template
(A1) in case you want to replace
the A octagon shape with eight A1
wedge shapes. These wedges could
be cut from a border print to create
an interesting design or from a stripe
fabric or from a strip unit.

Make templates (page 90) for shapes
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L
(pages 108–109). Turn template
over for Lr (reverse).

A: Cut 1 from yellow or A1: Cut 8
from selected fabric.

B: Cut 8 from light teal.

C: Cut 4 from magenta and 4 from

D: Cut 8 from yellow.

E: Cut 8 from blue.

F: Cut 4 from a teal/yellow/teal
strip unit.

G: Cut 4 from a magenta/yellow/
magenta strip unit.

H: Cut 4 from a teal/yellow/teal
strip unit.

I: Cut 4 from a magenta/yellow/
magenta strip unit. Cut 4 from a
teal/yellow/teal strip unit.

J: Cut 8 from a pink/yellow strip.
Cut 2 strips 11/4 ̋ × 11/4 ̋ from each of
pink and yellow.
K: Cut 4 from a magenta/yellow/
magenta strip unit.
L and Lr: Cut 4 of each from
The following explains exactly how
to include the 1/8 ̋ accent detail in
shapes F, G, H, I, and K. These
shapes are created in exactly the
same way; follow the directions care-
fully. Make four strip units: two in
magenta/yellow/magenta and two
in teal/yellow/teal. Once these are
made, place the appropriate template
shape on the appropriate strip unit
and cut.
Strip 1: Cut 2 strips 13/4 ̋ × 40 ̋
from each of magenta and teal.
Strip 2: Cut 4 strips 1 ̋ × 40 ̋ from
accent yellow.
Strip 3: Cut 2 strips 13/4 ̋ × 40 ̋
from each of magenta and teal.

Strip unit: magenta


  1. Sew a magenta to an accent strip,
    right sides together.

  2. Trim the seam allowance to an
    exact 1/8 ̋ by placing the 1/8 ̋ line of a
    ruler over the thread line and trim-
    ming away the excess 1/8 ̋. It is much
    easier to do this with a short ruler
    or a 4 ̋ square ruler. When you need
    to advance the short ruler, leave the
    cutter blade in the mat to ensure
    a smooth cut edge over the entire

  3. Press the seam allowance toward
    Strip 2 in accent yellow.
    4. Place Strip 3 right side up. Place
    Strip 1–2 on top of Strip 3, right
    sides together. Align their edges as
    usual, but sew next to the previously
    trimmed seam allowance edge.
    5. Press toward Strip 3. After evalu-
    ating, trim the seam allowance to 1/4 ̋
    from the last line of stitching.
    6. Repeat Steps 1–5 for a second
    magenta/yellow/magenta strip unit
    and then for 2 teal/yellow/teal strip
    7. Place templates F, G, H, I, and
    K on the appropriate strip unit,
    aligning lines on the template with
    the seams of the strip unit; cut out.
    8. Sew a pink to a yellow strip, right
    sides together. Trim seam allowance
    to 1/8 ̋, and press seam open. Repeat
    for a second pink/yellow strip unit.
    Align line on template J with the
    seam on the strip unit, and cut out.

Make 5 units: 1 ABBBB (Unit 1), 4
(Unit 3), 4 GHIJL (Unit 4), and 4
KJILr (Unit 5). Pin at the dots to
align the shapes; then sew edge to

Unit 1
Join 4 B’s to the A octagon.




Unit 1; make 1.
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