- To draw the triangle (left
unfractured) that joins to the kite,
measure the short side of the kite
shape and draw 2 lines of that
measurement at a 90° angle to each
other; connect their ends. This is
the triangle shape.
90° angle
Draw a triangle.
- To draw the square with the
point (blue), draw a 51/4 ̋ square
and come up equidistant from the
corner. Connect those points to the
corner of the square.
5¼ ̋
5¼ ̋
Draw a square.
- All 4 small triangles together
(orange) on each side of the center
star diamonds make the same tri-
angle shape that connects to the
kite. To create the small triangles
within that larger triangle, find and
make a mark at the midpoint of
each side of the triangle and connect
them. This creates a square. Divide
this small square diagonally. You
now have the small triangles.
Create 4 small triangles.
uuuu Noteworthy uuuu
If you plan to make Sedona (see
pages 116–126), refer to the pro-
cess of how this small diamond
unit (green) is created (see page
118). You will be pleasantly
surprised at how easy it is to
make; do not be deterred from
making it.
- All 4 sides of the center large
diamond shape (green) are the same
size as the short side of the triangle
that connects to the kite. Find the
midpoint of all 4 sides of the dia-
mond and connect them. Now you
have 4 smaller diamonds. Find the
midpoint of each side of one of those
diamonds and connect them to find
the size of the very small diamond.
Create the center diamonds.
- Each side of the outer diamonds
(yellow) measures 51/4 ̋. Draw a dia-
mond with 4 sides all measuring
51/4 ̋. Divide the diamond in half
horizontally, then divide the upper
half of the diamond vertically. Find
and mark the midpoint of the 3
sides of the lower diamond and con-
nect the marks. This creates a small
diamond and 2 triangles. Find and
mark the midpoint of the 4 sides
of the diamond and connect them
to create 4 small diamonds. Find
and mark the midpoint of the inner
small diamond and connect the
marks to create 4 smaller diamonds.
5¼ ̋
5¼ ̋
Outer diamonds
- To fracture the outer triangles
(aqua), find and mark the midpoint
of all 3 sides, then connect them.
This creates a square. Divide the
square in half diagonally to create
4 triangles. Mark the midpoint of
the 3 sides of the inner triangle.
Connect those marks to create a
square. Then divide the square in
half diagonally to create 4 triangles.
The large outer triangle is now frac-
tured into 7 triangles.
5¼ ̋
Once you have drawn your shapes,
make templates (page 90) and then
create a color plan by making a
rough-cut mock-up in actual size
(page 91) using your templates.