Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


  1. To fracture the squares, go up equidistant from the
    corner points on both sides and connect those marks to
    the opposite corner, creating another long, slender point
    (blue). In my block, I just estimated this distance. To
    create continuity, I split the new point vertically, like the
    kite shape. This completes the center section. Be sure to
    keep placing the mirrors on your sketch to evaluate your

Fractured kite (red) and squares (blue)

  1. Fracture the 24 outer diamonds that surround
    the center section in a similar way to create unity.
    Remember, unity is created through repetition.

  2. Split one diamond in half horizontally. Then split
    the upper half of that diamond vertically. For the lower
    half, connect the midpoint of each side of the diamond’s
    lower half to create another diamond and 2 triangles.
    Then fracture that diamond into 4 and fracture the
    inner diamond again into 4 smaller diamonds to echo
    the center. Repeat this fracturing process for a diamond
    on each side of this new diamond (3 total), so that when
    you place your mirrors on your drawing, you can see the
    whole Sedona developing.

  3. Fracture the 16 outer triangles (aqua) by first creating
    4 smaller triangles. The shapes will probably still seem
    too large, so fracture the inner triangle into 4 more
    smaller triangles; this also adds more detail.

Redesigned outer diamonds (yellow) and outer triangles
(aqua); Sedona complete

Mirrors on sketch

  1. At this point, if you love your design, you would
    decide the size of block you wanted to make, if you do
    not already know. I wanted a 36 ̋ block, so I needed to
    know the size of the diamond, square, and triangle for
    an 18 ̋ LeMoyne Star block: 18 ̋ ÷ 3.414 (sum of the
    parts) = 5.272 ̋ = 51/4 ̋. Referring to my sketch, I drafted
    each shape, using the 51/4 ̋ size as my guide.

  2. To draft the kite shape (red), draw 2 lines each 51/4 ̋
    long at a 45° angle from each other. Draw a line from
    each end at a 90° angle until they intersect.

5¼ ̋

45° angle

90° angle

90° angle

Draw a kite shape.
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