Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

The Herb Garden


ou will find no surprises in my initial herb selection. To venture beyond
the traditional list is to throw the door open to a bewildering array of
herbs, many quite unsuited to the kitchen. These, then, are culinary and
often used in popular recipes.
My herbs grow outside the “critter defenses” and predate the new garden by
more than five years. Our ever-present rabbits, deer, and moles have left these
plants alone, so we have set aside a partly shaded morning sun area, and every­
thing except basil has thrived. (Basil needs full sun all day in a wind-sheltered
The soil is a fertile mix of sand and clay loam, without any added compost.
The pH is 6.5, which, I was told, is perfect for most herbs. I’ve added a swift spray
of fish-based liquid fertilizer once a month as a side dressing (not on the plants).
After the last frost in the spring, I divided the clumps and set them apart to
gain both air circulation and root space. When they got too big, I transplanted
some into small pots to give away. I leave the watering to once a week and take
that day to check for weeds.
All the taller herbs are at the back and graduate toward the “ground huggers”

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