Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

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to a specific rate of flow—namely 60 seconds, this being the lightest and safest
for plant use.
Now came the more probable causes of plant damage . . . disease, and there’s
a bunch of them. Once again the solutions come in four main categories that deal
with fungal diseases:

■ Protectant: prevents spores from growing

■ Fungistatic: prevents further growth of existing fungi

■ Eradicant: kills existing fungi

■ Antibiotic: kills fungi and bacteria

I purchased a very practical hand-pumped compression sprayer, which I use
for fish fertilizers and the occasional liquid dishwashing detergent (1 teaspoon
per 1 gallon), to help in spreading the concoctions over the leaves to provide a
proper coating.
I always strain the mixtures through cheesecloth before using the pump
sprayer to remove small particles that can “glue up” the fi ne-spray nozzle.
Finally, I wear rubber gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, an old pair of gardening
slacks, goggles, a battered straw hat, and a simple but effective respirator mask.
I’m almost ready for a dance up the yellow brick road!
Now . . . given all these precautions, wouldn’t you want to avoid their use?
I do have one extra fallback aid, and that’s a telephone number to call if I have
the slightest question before I use anything : 1-800-858-PEST.

And Now for the Other Way

It has been said forcibly, by experienced gardeners, that the healthier the plant is,
the less likely it will suffer a major threat. The obvious source of ill health is the
quality of the soil and its appropriate pH and mineral balance. For this you need

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