
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

into your prayer closet and fighting back with every parental
and spiritual weapon at your disposal.

Is it an issue with other family members? Perhaps your
most pressing family issues right now pertain not to your
husband, not to your children, but to other members of your
extended family who are unsaved, feeling the brunt of enemy
attack on themselves, or who are participating (intentionally or
unintentionally) with the enemy’s designs on you as their
daughter, their sister, their cousin, their daughter-in-law,
whatever. The forms that these sorts of conflict can take are as
numerous as the number of people involved in them. But just
as much as the devil loves stirring up trouble in churches, he
loves stirring up trouble in families. He knows it’s a Christian
witness killer, an energy zapper, a time eater, a relationship
destroyer. The amount of senseless hurt and distraction he can
cause per square inch in your family is one of his most
desirable economies of scale. He can do more damage with less
effort by attacking us here, within these relationships, than in
any other context. But if we’re wise, we can use his own
geometry against him, putting prayer into effect in places
where we’re close enough to touch the very people involved.
Then as God’s Spirit does His work in us and in these

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