
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

full of energy but with tenderness too, as well as a knack for
giving people spot-on insights about their deepest needs and
toughest questions. As a licensed counselor who runs her own
business, she’s the kind who gets sent referrals when people
hit a dead-end through all other routes of care and treatment
and simply aren’t going to make it unless they see someone of
Shawna’s caliber. She’s the best in her field... and in every
other way too.

In the months leading up to our outing, however, the Lord
had been fairly obvious and direct in leading her to start
cutting back on her caseload and start focusing on doing some
writing—cataloging all this stellar wisdom she’s been dishing
out for all these years and collecting it into resources that can
multiply her ministry of counsel and encouragement to who
knows how many others. Her husband had told her, “Honey,
just do it. We’ll be all right financially. I believe in you and in
what you can do, and I truly want you following the Lord on
this. We’ll do what we need to do to make it happen. I’m totally
behind you.” So everything was lining up. Every indication on
her spiritual radar was tracking with this new direction.

Only one problem: she was scared.
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